Life seems to be very busy these days, so in the spirit of multi-tasking
I am blogging at the same time as highlighting my hair. This seems a cunning
idea to me, as there is a clock right in front of me on the computer screen –
so what can go wrong? If I am next seen with white hair, we know that something
did go wrong. But I am confident.. I am no fool (???) - I may just have to dash
off suddenly.
So first of all – here are a few more of those screen prints
I mentioned last time. These came about as I had several cut out backings from
heat n bond after making applique shapes for a banner I made for Region 10.
Some (OK – all) seemed too good to waste, and I decided I would try using them
as stencils with my screen.
I can report back that they are not very durable – one session
only as they collapse when you take them off the screen. But if you have them
as a by-product of something else, definitely
worth doing - I love these cloths and am itching to get something made with
them – so watch this space. I want to make some smaller pieces to take to
Festival of Quilts with me, and these could be just the ticket.
I mentioned last time that I was trying to finish my piece
in time to enter it into the new Art Quilt juried competition at FOQ. Well – I did
it, with my usual under 2 hours to spare. I now have to wait and see if I get
juried in. I shall keep the image a bit secret, at least until I hear.. but
here are a couple of details

It is a self-portrait and is about anxiety, safety, pressure,
stability even sanity and is a very different piece for me … but just right for
this gallery I hope. It is the first in what I intend to be a long running
series of personal works dealing with issues around living with chronic
depression, which I think you all know I do. I don’t want these to be gloomy (although
inevitable some will be challenging for me as well as the viewer) as I don’t see the illness in that light. More
as something that has profoundly changed how I see life and how I behave and
live. I envisage both large and small pieces, sketches and notes. I am excited
about doing this work, so fingers crossed for number 1!! (all fingers
Whilst tidying (sort of) a drawer I came across several cans
of spray paint, which I decided to try out. I hated most – they frankly stank
and I found the finish very plasticky. But one brand I loved – so here are a few images of them used with
stencils and dye. I only had silver and gold – I shall definitely be ordering some
When I was sorting the images for posting I thought I would
just try out altering one as a potential source for a thermofax screen … WOW –
look at these ….
Oops – look at the time .. must go and rinse hair – back in
5 minutes ………
Job done – I knew it would be fine. I will absolutely definitely be making screens
from these and using them along with the stencils .. seriously can’t wait.
But first, and lastly for today, I have finally got to the point
where I have some time to make some more work for the SiX & Friends
exhibition when it moves to Minerva in the summer. I am making a series of 4,
or possibly six pieces, entitled ‘Many Moons’. I’ve run out of time now (need to dry hair before it dries itself in mad style)– but I will post on
the SiX blog this weekend and tell you a bit more about them.
Thanks for reading – enjoy your weekend ... Hilary x