I fear I have been quiet for several weeks - a rare occurrence, some might even say a blessing. I have (as always) been very busy .. but I've also had a few health issues to deal with .. which have pre-occupied my mind a smidge. Theses culminated last week in an appointment with a very nice Cardiologist and an ECG. This story does not have any pretty pictures to go with it .. so we will have to just add random ones in .. like this .. some beautiful Gerbera I treated myself to ... as therapy ...
so back to the ECG .. well it turns out I have cardiac arrhythmias caused by Premature Ventricular Contractions. For anyone who wants to know more about those .. here's the Wikipedia link!
For the rest of us - enough to know that these could have been caused by many factors .. probably too much work and adrenaline .. but are not deadly .. so I shall be sensible and look after myself a bit better ... job done.
Thank you for all messages of love - all much appreciated - I am truly blessed with my friends.
This has meant I have had to cut back quite a lot of my workload - including some workshops. I am now fully booked until mid 2016 as far as workshops go .. and will be looking at what to do in the future. I shall continue teaching at the Bramble Patch, where I have a two day silhouette workshop coming up in October, which still has some spaces. I am also re-running the full years worth of Make it \personal workshops next year at the bramble patch too.. These will be two days every two months again and are suitable for new students and beginners as well as those who have already done a year with me and might wish to continue developing their work. These are now on the Bramble Patch website for booking - here is a link ...

Got into trouble for that ... even when I am ILL .. so had to move them to a bucket
and I now intend to go and do some seaweed and shell gelliping .. both for the book and also for two other exhibitions I am preparing for ..
Art Textiles: Made in Britain are having their inaugural gallery at Festival of Quilts this year and our theme is 'Identity'. One of my pieces deals with how I have managed my long standing issue of chronic depression and worked out how to still live a full life alongside the beast. As the sea is so much part of this maintenance of health .. I want some small pieces and images for that. I am also preparing a large exhibition with Stephanie Redfern, which is called 'Sanctuary' and which will open at the Minerva gallery next summer. Again - the coast is an obvious tie in for me here .. so coastal gelliping is definitely in order. Here are some previously printed cloths which will also be used - together with more treasures .. and you can bet some of them will also be getting involved too