I know it doesn't sound very likely, but my studio really is tidy. Not by choice or virtue I should say, but by the fact that this:
only appeals to a very few people .. and none of them are likely to be buying my house. So action was needed and I can honestly report it took about 4 times as long to sort out the studio as the rest of the house combined. I hang my head in shame ....
So prepare yourself .. as we enter the room .. no longer this vision:
but now this:
clean floor, clean walls, and shininess everywhere
more shininess and the HQ 16 with a clean table ...
incredibly tidy bookcase - even the canvas are arranged in size order ...
computer and desk all ready for nice tidy work ...
clean tidy top of chest (above) and yet another tidy bookcase below - although books not in size order - bad me
I honestly had forgotten I had this nice bench under all the gumph .. so arranged pretty cushion and baskets. Wall planner on wall sort of empty - but at least I aimed high
more tidy shelves
and all is lovely when we turn round and head back
past the design board (and my ever present helper - who was disgusted that his 'studio bed' was designated 'too vile' to be displayed)
past neatly organised files
and in to the kitchen are ... previously a toxic waste ground - all be it a non toxic water based one - look at the shine on everything - this is what happens when you polish
bet you never realised that table was even there - or the windows come to that
another tidy rack .. and shelf
detail of shelf - nearly size order and artfully 'casually' arranged
other side of table
Thelmas space .. she is as fed up as Dix because I only tidied it after she was removed to Wales - I've told her (and Dix) that it is because they are so important I need them with me

I imagine you are gasping now - yes this is the worktop and sink - and they are GLEAMING ..

in closer so you can check
just to remind you again ..
I think a scattering of applause might be in order ..
Obviously I cannot work in this room now - it would take a mere few hours to wreck the lot - but it does look pretty - let's hope someone else thinks so too.
I am sorry for the absence of news (both on here and FB too) recently - but you know what I have been doing now!
I have missed working horribly and now feel I am just about sorted enough to get back to it - thank goodness. I've got a fair amount of stuff here in Swansea with me, together with a smaller machine - and am planning on getting to work on my work for the Sanctuary exhibition with Steph Redfern in the summer. More about that next time xx