
Monday 1 October 2012

4 new quilts - phew

I'm not at all sure the colour on these first three images is quite accurate .... they seem both more vibrant and more subtle in real life - which is nonsensical, but true. But it gives a reasonable idea ... I shall have to get some in proper daylight to put on the website though. These two echinacea pieces are both a mixture of painted, printed and dyed, fabrics and papers, all nicely sealed with matt medium. They will hang next to one another in the Grosvenor exhibition, but each could stand alone, and I shall sell them individually. They are sized 25" x 25" each.

This second one seems more true colour I think

 My wall here is actually a very pale mocha/taupe/pink ... so we are a bit bleached, but this is better than the very overly pink I started with

These details are probably a bit closer to the actual colour

They will hang with my larger quilt Ecinacea 1, and with great wit, I have called them Echinacea 2 and 3. The larger quilt can be seen on my website in Gallery 3

Next we have two Art Deco themed pieces, 'Hounds' 1 and 2 (more wonderful names). These are made from commercial fabrics and the hound is a stylisation of my lovely boy.

I think I have washed the colour out again - must be in that kind of a mood - these are lovely vibrant pieces. Again, the two will hang together in the exhibition, but can stand alone, and will be sold as individual pieces. These are 24" x 30" each.

These two will hang with 'In the Pink' - another quilt featuring silhouettes and with a distinct Deco feel. 'In the Pink' can be viewed in Gallery 3 on the website.

So that is four of the last six quilts ticked off now. Next up is an enlarged version of 'Master Caster' - the small version can be seen in the Small Quilts Gallery on my website. I am going to have to make this in double quick time - although that is becoming such a familiar way of working, it is going to seem very odd when I have time on my hands again (maybe I should say 'if' - things keep booking up!)

Lovely to be able to put images on my blog at last - I hope you enjoy them - Hilary x


  1. Lovely pieces. I do like the art deco ones where you and the dog seem to have morphed into the epitome of elegance.

  2. Don't we just ... I have to admit it is a simpler morph for Dixter than for me!

  3. Hils you won't know what to do with yourself when all this work is done, you are a marathon quilter. It does show how much you can manage when you have to though, and now the old brain is wired for this sort of focus and production you can simply say 'pah!' to a deadline or the need to make an emergency quilt, or 7. Lemme hear you say pah!
    Lovely pieces too, the whole show is going to look abfab.

    1. PAH! - very nice, enjoyed that Steph. Tis true though that it does give one a bit of confidence about being able to rise to a short deadline ... it's all about just getting on with it and doing the work, rather than waiting for the right mood/time/idea. Although I confess, I am very lucky on the ideas front as I have more than enough for several lifetimes - my problem is never lack of inspiration, just not enough time to make all the stuff in my head. Which given the contents of my head, is perhaps no bad thing! x

  4. Can't wait to see them in the flesh. Photos don't do justice to the complxity of some of your quilts!

    1. Thanks Gilli - it is always hard to do justice to fabric work in a photo ... I hope they all look good hanging together x
