
Friday 5 October 2012

Diary of a quick quilt - part 2

I love this blog - it even uploads my photos in the right order - brilliant. So - part two and we are moving along OK, but not quite as fast as hoped ... but a girl can only do her best. Here is the piece, now fully machine quilted (to death - can't help it) and with inktense pencils used to bring back the colour in the photos, which seriously faded under the machine (will not be using that brand again) and also to add detail and extend the images 

This piece will hang with Beach Boy 2 - so I wanted to add some sheer grasses around the edge, as I did on that piece. Here we are trying some out on the wall ...

and adding a few more ...

and stitching them down. I used transparent thread and it was hellish to thread as I couldn't see it (obviously, but still a surprise to me), but brilliant in it's effect ....

So here we are with all grasses stitched on, and ready for hand stitching ...

most of which will be done tomorrow - but here is a little start, using metallic thread to highlight the sea

Hopefully will be finished - or at least ready for blocking tomorrow - will post the final stage then - Hilary x


  1. Looking good! Such a peaceful scene, makes me want to be there!

    1. Thanks Cath - it is at Ingoldmells on the Eest coast, and it is a beautiful beach ... especially out of season!!

  2. Lovely. You really have captured the calm atmosphere.

    1. Thanks Maggi - it's always a balancing act wih this sort of piece, wanting to get interest, but keeping that serenity that atracted in the first place .... and in my case, resisting the temptation to add really bright colour!

  3. The photo fabrics do vary so much, I get quite crabby with some of them as they are not cheap. Have taken to complaining to the manufacturers with suprising results of getting freebies!
    Beautiful piece of work, wish I had a long arm quilt machine

    1. Hi Shelagh - these are honestly the worst I've come across - CPP - and the amount of colour loss aftre machining was ridiculous. You are right - I should goev them some feedback .. although not sure I want anymore. It's a shameas they were A3 and not easy to find.
      My machine is not a long arm, couldn't fit one in, but I suppose a medium arm> It is an HQ16 ... and it is seriously the best investment I have ever made. It has two big advantages over a long arm for me ... firstly, the action is the same as my ordianry machine, ie: I move the quilt, not the machine, so I didn't have to laern a new skill (no time for that!). Secondly, you can have the whole quilt out and available, so I can stitch from top to bottom and jump around, without having to wind the quilt on, as I would on a long arm. This is really important for me, as I like to work very instinctivley when stitching - making marks with the thread - and I need to be able to see and quickly access the whole piece for that.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Sandra - I always think that as long as I can have time in places like this, then I'll be all right ... it is so peaceful and free

  5. Hi Hilary - only recently found your blog and love this piece. Interesting your comments on the HQ16 - something I've been considering for the same reasons you mention so glad to have that confirmed by someone who has one! All the best, k3n x

    1. HIi k3n - Lovely to have you here and I'm so pleased you like this one ... it was a lovely day and this captures it well. I can't recommend the HQ16 highly enough ... it has transformed quilting for me. Do let me know if you get one and what you think! - Hilary x
