
Thursday 1 November 2012

Normal service resumed!!

Yes - I am back to my usual cheery self and want to share some pictures that I took at Malvern last weekend (where has this week gone again??) I visited with a couple of friends, mainly, for me at least, to see how my gallery was looking. I was very nervous, but Grosvenor had done a great job and it all looked fine. Here are some of the pieces:
(a quick alert - spell check has deserted me, so please be kind)

It was nice to see these three old favourites displayed together ... Jugs 1,2 and 3 ...

A bay of silhouettes

More silhouettes - this time the deco hounds ..

One of my personal favourites 'My Home, My Heart, My Country' .. a biggie too

another personal favourite - In a Spin

A couple of photo collages

and lots of work based on plants/flowers

that isn't all the ones on show - although it is a fair number ... I do hope that if you are able to get to one of the other shows they are visiting, you will go and have a look .... I have posted details on my website at

There was lots of other lovely work on display too - here are just a few favorites ...

I loved this gorgeous log cabin in blue and white by Caroline Wilkinson

I also loved this quilt featuring quirky birds by Sheena Norquay

Being relatively new on the quilt scene, this one of Sheenas from 1996 was a real surprise .. I have only ever seen quite muted work from her before ... this is a real wow quilt

And I was very taken with these wonderful 3D fantasy flowers by Catherine Millar

look at the exquisite work on them

and I can never resist a jug of flowers - this one by Jenny Garlick

So we had a very good time there and I even manged not to spend too much for once. We then went on to see the CQ@10 exhibition at Weavers Gallery in Ledbury. I have never been here before - what a beautiful place it is. The gallery is an exquisite old timbered building down an appropriately nookish lane, and the exhibiiotn was well worth seeing, even for the second time for me ... such a lot of talent on display.

We then went on for tea (you have to in these kind of spots) and I just had to take this photo of one of the lovely buildings, complete with someones 'drawers' on the washing line ... fabulous!

I have just updated my website (well nearly finished) and have put images of most of these quilts on there, and many are for sale too. As such a lot are out on tour, I am happy to take a 10% deposit to reserve any of those. I have decided to do this as I have been asked a few times about purchasing pieces. I shall be completing my update over the next few days, and will update the galleries regularly as new work materialises ... so please do go over and have a look ..... I am quite plesaed with how it looks (I think!)

Enough I think - I am now going to unpack Thelma and Louise (Thermofax and laser printer) - I have waited patiently, but have waited long enough now. I'll let you know how I get on - HIlary x


  1. Thank you for posting these photos Hilary. I was so disappointed that I wasn't able to get to the show. Your work is so lively and fresh and really inspiring.

    1. Thank you! - I love that word inspiring ... it gives mne a lot of pleasure to think that soemnthing I do might just inspiere someone else to have a go and make something ... there is nothing quite like it is there - Hilary x

  2. Lovely stuff Hilary. I did not make the show but will try to catch them at another venue.

    Hilary (Lurcher)

  3. Thanks Hilary - hope you catch them next Spring - Hilary (another Lurcher) x
