Monday, 24 December 2012

Comfort for the Undomestic Goddesses

There is a real handmade vibe out there right now .. which is excellent news for those of us in the business of making stuff. It also means that magazines, blogs and websites have been full of people making loads of utterly gorgeous stuff for Christmas ... cards, presents, mince pies, tags, cake, gift boxes, decorations ... there has been an awesome outpouring. But not by me, I am so ashamed to say. So here is some comfort for anyone else feeling distinctly inadequate .. I haven't made any pies, cake or puddings; I haven't made my own cards and tags; I haven't made any decorations; I haven't made any presents this year; I haven't printed my own wrapping paper ... truthfully, I haven't even wrapped the presents yet; I haven't finished the food shop  and I haven't got the decorations from the attic, let alone put them up. I hope that makes a few bods feel a bit better. It is not that I am being all bah-humbug (ok - a bit envious maybe) ... I just truthfully have not manged to find the time or extra energy needed. On occasion, I can spray as many cones as the next woman ...  but not this time it seems. I think maybe my new years resolution should be to get a bit more balance into my life! But I'm stopping today for a few days off - and I wanted to wish a very Happy Christmas to all of you, both those who have really flourished in a productive, creative run up to the big day, and those like me, who are only just switching into Christmas mode. Have a wonderful, healthy and happy time - and see you in the New Year - Hilary xx


  1. We all need the balance..have spent the morning doing a CV for my partner. Seasons Greetings


  2. It's so true Cas - and so hard to keep when you love your work .. but then that is a blessing too. Enjoy your Christmas - whaever you are doing - Hilary x

  3. This post really made me smile! I am surrounded by stuff and had every intention of using it to make things for Christmas, but like you, I didn't. I don't know why, but the time just melted away and then it was too late. But I feel that the break has done me good and I'm looking forward to starting my creative journey for 2013. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas and feel renewed for the challenge of 2013.

    1. I am comforted that it was not just me then! The break has done me good too .. it's easy to get carried away and forget how re-energisng time off can be. So I'm raring to go tomorroew now! But back to Christmas cake and a jigsaw now! Happy New Year - Hilary x
