
Monday 21 January 2013

Exhibitions, workshops and a page

Well here we all are, snowed up cosily and getting lots of stitching done I bet/hope. This weather is so beautiful  as long as you don't actually have to get anywhere. I've been out in the garden taking snowy photos for future inspiration, as I am sure many of you have too. I'll show you a couple of mine in a minute.

But firstly I wanted to remind anyone who is within reasonable distance of Ardingley in Sussex, that it is the first of the Grosvenor shows for this year this week, starting Friday 25 Jan though until Sunday 27 Jan. My gallery 'Favourite Things' will be showing again and I would love for you to go and see it if you can. If you do - please let me know what you think. I am missing my quilts - they have been away since early October and I won't have them home until April - that is a long time and the walls look a bit bare in places.

There is also the next showing of the Orientation exhibition from Six and Friends at the Bramble Patch in Northamptonshire from 23 March until 6 April. Some new works are being added, so well worth a visit (and the shop is gorgeous too). Also at the Bramble Patch, Stephanie Redfern and myself are putting together an exhibition of work 'From the Studio', which will be open throughout August, finishing with our Open Studio on the last three days. That should be great fun so please do come an play!(Hilary G - we expect you!!)

I am also running a couple of workshops at the Bramble Patch in the latter half of the year: A 2 day one on Friday 8th and Sat 9th November, where we will be looking at ways of designing an abstract composition as a background for animal or bird silhouettes. Here are some examples:

 I hope to add some more to these before November. The techniques we will be looking at are rather different to the ones I have taught on the one day silhouette workshop, and this would be a great follow-up if you have done that one. But you don't need to have, as it is quite fine to start from scratch.

Later in the month, on Friday 29th November, I will be running a one day silhouette workshop, where we will be concentrating on Christmas images to make a wall-hanging, which could also be used as a print for a Christmas card. I have done this with the one below - and the cards are wonderful (well I think so).

Again I will have more examples and ideas for you by November. Both courses are now listed, with full details on the Bramble Patch site, so do have a look (lots of lovely fabric and stuff there too!)

As some of you already know, I am teaching at the AGM in Nottingham this year. It is one day workshop where we will be making a collage featuring a gorgeous pot or vase of flowers - like this one ...

  There will actually be a choice of three types of flowers and 3 types of pots, and it will a really good day. I don't know if there are any places left - but it's worth a visit to the guild site to see, if you fancy it. I am also doing a free  demonstration of printing, dyeing and colouring fabric on the Sunday of the AGM ... so for all those who have thought it all looks good fun - do come long and join me. I'm down for 2 hours, but likely to just keep going!

I have rather a lot to do in preparation for the AGM, including making a new banner for Region 10. This is all designed now, and I have the fabric and plans - so making that will be my next job, and quite a big one I suspect. I will keep you up to date with progress.

Before I start though,  I must just show you a draft 'page' for the new book .... 

This is very much still a draft - I'm not even sure it will stay this shape! - but I have spent many many hours getting to grips with new software for this project - and I am just rather proud of this creation. 

And lastly - boy, I can go on can't I?? - here's the snow!!

View to front an back whilst I was having breakfast

 Gorgeous trees

Thanks for reading all this (and well done) - hope you are safe and snug and enjoying the views - Hilary x


  1. Ha - Hilary B, of course I plan to be at the BP! I will come to see Orientation and would love to come and play with you both at your open studio.

    If I am honest, I wonder if my time in Northamptonshire is numbered. Work seems in a state of flux at the moment, so it is possible that my 'work home' will be no more and I will have shifted by studio back to my 'home home' in Hampshire! But even if I do I can still schlep up to the BP to see you ladies.

    Keep up the good work.

    Hilary G (lurcher) xx

    Ps I am rather presuming you mean me!!

  2. I did indeed mean you my lurcher friend ... I still keep forgetting that there are 2 HIlary G' in our world! I don't think Hilary G (other) reads the blog though - so it's a fair assumption.

    It will be very annoying of work if it removes your Bramble Patch home ... but Hampshire is not too far (I say this.. my geography is such that I have really no idea!). I will save you a nice spot and some paints! - Hilary xx

  3. I very much like that page, it's interesting and the subtle palette is beautiful. It makes a Birmingham girl dream of the sea.

  4. Always good to dream of the sea Steph xx
