
Friday 26 July 2013

Never mind all this Prince George stuff .. look what I just gave birth to ...

OK - so it is quite exciting having a new heir to the heir to the heir to the throne .. think I got that right ... but be honest, which would you rather have .. a new prince or a new book? ... exactly. So with no more ado, here is a preview of front and back covers .. and a typically restrained page ... this is my version of 'look inside'

I am so proud of having done this.. the learning curve has been frankly horrifying, and I have worked some enormously long days - but when I held the proof copy in my hands it was all hugely worth it. I very much hope you are all going to like it too - I think it is a bit different, probably because it has no input from any 'professional' other than the printer (God bless the printers). So it is not so much different to my blog - just me telling you about things I find exciting and with LOTS of pictures and colour. I should receive them from the printers next week, just in time for Festival of Quilts the following week. Might even be a day or two before - so early really.
Not much else has managed to get in my brain recently, but last Sunday I travelled with Steph to Wales for the Meet the Artist session at the Minerva gallery. It was a gorgeous day and a beautiful if very long drive. The gallery is a total gem - wish it was in Lincoln - and all of SiX & Friends apart from Catherine in Canady (poor excuse to my mind) were there, talking about and sharing work. And eating a scrummy lunch provide by Jean, Doreen and Georgina at the gallery... thank you again girls. I am ashamed to say I forgot to take any photos, which is a real shame as the team had hung the work beautifully. But Steph has some great images on her blog, as does Linda,  and Laura has put some on the SiX blog. My excuse is that I was distracted doing a demo of ways to make a collage base for a silhouette or other image. I think this was interesting - if it wasn't, then they were all very polite and stayed put .. and we had a happy hour delving in my fabric and papers pile. I am always surprised when a demo piece works out .. I am nervous and that makes it harder than normal .. but this one did and I really like it. It is based on a picture of Dixter sniffing some enormous salmon Stephen caught, and the background used an image of some trees in the garden for help with the composition. Here it is with the fabrics laid out before bonding. The black silhouettes are paper and I use them whilst designing the background to make sure everything works together, They will be cut from fabric eventually
Obviously not tree colours .. just fairly random selections, but it still has the tree feel I think. These sort of pieces are just good fun to make and the design element is much easier than you would think. I am teaching a two day workshop at the Bramble Patch in November on just this technique - if you can come, we will definitely be having a good two days ... and evening at the pub too if you are staying over.When I downloaded the images from my camera, I was very surprised to discover I had taken  picture of myself .. crikey I am very clever,. Handy too - as I can post it here
Holding up the now bonded background for the girls (and boys) to see. This photo was really well taken - I noticed that when editing, and now I think about it, my camera had rather oddly got itself in to a selected mode .. not auto which is what I always use. These things point the finger at my friend Steph - who is rapidly becoming a bit of a camera clever thing. So thanks Stephers - could you follow me round all the time and record my life on my camera for my blog? If you don't mind?
I have barely had an hour off for the last few week, but I did manage  a coffee at the garden centre (I was writing book script on my ipad mind) and couldn't resist purchasing a gorgeous statue of a little hound - not at all unlike my boy. I was struck driving  home by how pretty he looked in the rear view mirror, sitting amongst some dahlias that also fell into my trolley. So before I unloaded the car, I took a photo for you to see

I wish the view in the rear view mirror was always that nice. And here he is in the garden - nestling amongst the hostas (spello suggest hostages here - you have to love it don't you!)

I wondered if Dix would take exception to him, but all is well .. he hasn't even noticed.
You know I have barely mentioned at all that Steph and I are having a joint exhibition at the Bramble Patch in Weedon for the whole of August. We are taking many quilts in on Monday for Anne to hang beautifully, as she does. Jan Hassard is also exhibiting, so it should be a good eye candy show. And Steph and I will be there for the last three days of the month, having an Open Studio, so do come along and see us. Steph sometimes makes yummy flapjack too. Have a look at the Bramble Patch website, as they have several Open Studios in August, including Catherine and Edwin from SiX, so lots of reasons to visit.
Next for me is a manic preparation for Festival of Quilts. Master class to sort(nearly done) and stand to plan ... hmmmm . It will be great on the day .. but I'll be glad to get there now. I'll try really hard to post here before I go - but if I don't mange it - I hope to see lots of you at the show and please do come and see me .. it's my first time! - Hilary x



  1. You will rock at FOQ Hilary and I love your statement on the back cover of the book. It's just like hearing you speak and I'm looking forward to buying your book at FQ. Your new hound looks very stately in amongst the hostas.

    1. I very much like the idea of rocking! I think the whole book is probably written as I speak so I hope that will be a good thing .... I love my new hound - must think of a good name for him Look forward to seeing you at FOQ xx

  2. Can't wait to see that book Hils, bring it on Monday. The new boy is cute too, in amongst the hostages. Sxxx

    1. Will do old pipe ... along with loads of quilts! Isn't that boy brill .. I do like to see a statue among the hostages. I think there must be a book in spello suggestions - they are priceless sometimes. I especially like the way she refuses to spell swear words for you, even though she knows them! H xxx

  3. We have all seen photos of your performing your demos in Minerva...and you looked as if you were enjoying yourself immensely. I was just thinking...New Zealand is a wonderful place to live. There are lots of creative people willing to learn. Wherever you live there is only a two hour trip to either the mountains or the sea. There is no shortage of fabric nor paper nor paint nor thread. There is inspiration at every I write this from my bed, the frost is melting, the snow is pink on the ranges with the morning sun kissing them, the kune kune pigs, goat and donkeys are pleading me to feed them some hay...and we are expecting 18 degrees this winter day. And speaking of rocking...we even to that! So how about it?

  4. Bonnie - New Zealand would be my dream country to live in .. I honestly do try to persuade my husband every few months! He is a fly fisherman when not working, so would actually be very easy to persuade if it weren't for the day job. You are very lucky living in such a beautiful place. And you are right, although a bit nervous every time, I do love demo-ing - it's a joy to show people that it is not so very difficult to be creative - you just need to get out of your own way! You are along way for a demo, but maybe a teaching trip one day?! - Hilary xx

  5. Hi Hilary
    I've just started looking at quilting websites and goodies on line. I've been following your blog for a couple of months and haven't left a comment yet (or anywhere else for that matter), but a new book really deserves something. Congratulations. You must be over the moon. What an achievement!
    I have to say of all the websites I've looked at, yours is one of my favorites. I love the design and colour coordination. We share the same name, so you've got to be good! Best wishes for the FOQ and I hope you sell out!

    Hilary Florence

    1. Thank you Hilary - I am definitely feeling very proud of myself right now - I just hope it sells! - a sell out is a simply wonderful idea. I'm so pleased you like the website - I love colour, so it was always going to be a colourful one. Truthfully it is ready for a little overhaul - but it will have to wait for now. Hilary is a truly splendid name and you will discover there are several of us in the wonderful world of quilts. Welcome to it - it is a brilliant world to join, and thank you for saying hello here - do keep talking to me ... I love knowing someone is out there! - Hilary x

  6. I meant to ask Hilary...are you going to be selling your book through the blog? If you are could I please order two of for a friend...and I could pay by credit card. Look forward to hearing from you.

    1. Not through the blog Bonnie (don't know how!) - but yes, definitely through the website: - I will be putting them in the shop there straight after Festival of Quilts. Price will be £12.50/book, but as I know you are in New Zealand, postage is going to be nearly as much again as far as I can see. Do you know anyone coming over to festival at all? I'll also ask around and see if anyone knows a cheaper way of mailing. Let me know if you have any thoughts! x

  7. I am more than happy to pay that Hilary...I will look out for it on your website. Thank you so much.

  8. Oh brilliant Bonnie - I shall put you a little extra treat in the package to say thank you - that is proper commitment! xx

  9. Congratulations on the book - fabulous!!! And look forward to seeing your work at FoQ.....EEEKKK!!! Next week!!!

    1. I'll add to your EEEKKK with a bit ARHGHHHHH .. trying not to panic here. Thank you for the book congratulations ... the final copies are all arriving today .. I have no idea where I am going to put them .. the house is already littered with festival stuff .. paints, dyes, sprays, fabric, crayons etc etc etc ... but I can't wait to see the finished copies. See you at FOQ - Hilary x
