
Wednesday 9 October 2013

Having fun again .. yes I have had the gelli plate out

One of the exhibitions I am preparing for is called Identity - a theme I am finding fascinating. I want to look at how we define ourselves and who we really are/what in fact is our identity .... and how is it formed. So if this post seems a bit narcissistic .. that's why... it's all pictures  of ME!!!!!!!!
As I am demonstrating for AVG at the weekend At Ally Pally, I thought I would also practise with some stencils/screens/stamps and that bad boy gelli plate again. Here are some of the results ..
OK - and a bit of photo-shopping too ... I love this page


and getting carried away with photoshop ...



I know - a bit too many .. but it is addictive.. one last stencil ... which could easily be altered .. but not now .. I need to walk the dog
With just a few tools you can have so much fun .. and I can so many possibilities with these.  Hope to see some of you at Ally Pally - Hilary x



  1. I got carried away in Gelli-land this afternoon too! Isn't it nice when the hours pass by like a colourful stream! Have fun at Ally Pally - I wish I could make it! Are you going to Harrogate? I am definitely going there.

    1. Hi Georgy - I did reply to you from my iPad whilst in London .. but I clearly hit the wrong buttons! - so sorry it seems so late. Gelli land is a magical place .. I spent ALOT of time their whilst demonstrating at the weekend .. must have well over 100 new prints .. and that doesn't include the ones given away! I most certainly shall be at Harrogate - we might even find time for a cup of coffee together! xx

  2. It was great to watch your high energy demonstration yesterday. You must have been exhausted by the end of the day. Off to dig out my fabric paints.

    1. Hi at - I am so pleased you enjoyed the demo - I thoroughly enjoyed the day too .. and yes, I was totally exhausted when I got home last night ... 10pm. Have slept most of today though - so hopefully back to normal tomorrow! x

  3. Well I tried hard to enter a comment last time...but the computer ate up all of the comments I tried to post! probably has a severe bout of indigestion now so there's not much hope for today either...and all I really wanted to say was that your work is remarkable...especially the bright coloured ones!

    1. How very dare it Bonnie .. to you of all people. I love those bright coloured boys too, and as colour is such a big love of mine, and definitely a part of my identity, they will be featuring in at least one piece for the new exhibition. I met a lovely woman called Jean at the Knitting and Stitching show, who is also from New Zealand .. I was telling her all about you. Maybe one day I will get over there. Thanks for persevering with the naughty comments box -- rest assured will have words with it! - xx
