
Sunday 1 December 2013

Knitting & Stitching Show in Harrogate - looking round

Last weekend I was at the Knitting and Stitching Show in Harrogate. This is a favourite show for me as I grew up in Harrogate, so it is a trip back to familiar roots and a chance to see old friends as well. I spent the first couple of days demonstrating for Art van Go - and I have masses of prints to show you from that. But firstly, and a highlight for me, was a chance on Saturday, to actually go around the show and visit some of the really  exceptional galleries there were this year. So I'm going to just shut up for once and let you look at this selection of gloriousness ...
(NB - I did ask all the artist for permission before photographing their work)
Bobby Britnall and Ruth Issett  'Equal on all Four Sides'


Jan Beaney and Jean Littlejohn 'Rhythms and Counter Rhythms

Mandy Pattullo 'Thread and Thrift

Susan Chapman and Terrie Hitchcock 'Evidence of Bodies'

Mary Fisher 'Messages'

Kim Thittachai and Laura Strutt doing their stuff for Vilene - this cheery pair heartened me each time I passed ..

Margaret Nicholson 'A Retrospective'

I would have loved to take more images here, but it was so packed I just couldn't get near!

The Artists in Action Studio
Clare Bullock

Jonathan Korejko

Alice Fox

Alice Fox and Christine Chester
Clare again

again, it was hard to get photos as it was so busy in the studio
So a brief glimpse of some of my favourite things .. if I had to choose one to have as my very own, I think it would have to be Margaret Nicholsons 'Insects' - amazingly made in 1928 - I just loved it
Back soon with images of prints and work done during my own day on Sunday in the Artists in Action studio - thanks for visiting .. Hilary x


  1. Thank you for a peek into the wonderful to be able to see artists in action. Just by the way, Harrogate were my favourite Mackintoshes toffees...but daren't eat them now for fear of losing fillings...

    1. Harrogate toffee is something to be reckoned with .. must admit I too avoid it for the same reasons these days! The Artists in Action was a great area .. many reported back that it was their favourite part of the show. I believe Art van Go will be sponsoring it again next year .. really interesting and good fun. They have threatened to ban Clare B and myself .. on the grounds of naughty behaviour and general disruptiveness(can you believe that??) .. but we are certain we can change their minds before next Nov ...The galleries were brilliant - so many of my very favourite artists .. it was a joy. I wish I'd got round before the show opened so I could get some close - ups, but I was sleeping off the night (and day) before .. and these do probably give a better flavour of the show. How will you decide which one to aim for when you've saved that pension Bonnie?? xxx

    2. The choice will be difficult. Maybe we need to consider a three month stay in one place so that I can take in many options...
      Yes...I can believe the threats put on you for bad behaviour. I think it goes with the territory of refusing to grow up! I was mortified yesterday when our gym instructor told my grandsons that he had to give me a yellow card for misbehaviour at fitness for the ELDERLY! ( I take the boys to the gym for cross training sessions for teenagers three times a week.) yes...I do fitness for the ELDERLY three times a a warm down after doing my own thing...

    3. OMG - I can't wait to be able to do fitness for the elderly .. hope I get yellow carded too .. well done you !!xx

  2. What a lovely show Hilary! Thank you for the photos.

    1. It's a pleasure Cynthia .. so often recently I have been so busy at the shows, that I have failed to get any images and really appreciate others who have, so it's a pleasure to be able to share mine this time x

  3. Fantastic photo's Hilary. You have just enabled me to have a second visit to the show. I enjoyed talking to Alice Fox, amazing what results you can get from tea.

    1. Excellent Jane - I'm delighted. Alices' work is amazing isn't it .. and as you say - deceptively simple in it's making x

  4. Great photos Hilary - I too enjoyed seeing all those wonderful galleries at Ally Pally especially Bobbie Britnell and Ruth Issett.
    The Artists in Action area sounds brilliant and I would love to see that at Ally Pally also - must talk to Viv and Kevin!!!
    Great review of your book as well in December WOW. Is number two ready for publication yet??? Only joking - no pressure.
    Have a great Christmas and New Year.

    1. Hi Jean - if you talk to them, do tell them they have to let me play. just seen Sams lovely review .. more bribes due for payment then ... and worry not - Book 2 is in hand!! (well sort of) - will definitely be done for FOQ next year (probably) -Hxx
