
Saturday 22 February 2014

some progress at last and the first heap of Make it Personal students work

  I seem to have taken a very long time getting this third chestnut leaf gelli print piece quilted. It is bigger than the others .. but even so ..  it has just seemed to be one of those tasks that you think you will get done so fast ... and then  you just don't. Anyway - I finally put in the last machine stiches (it will be hand stitched later) and got it off the machine and on to the wall to be blocked. This is how it looked when first hung! - definitely needs a good blocking you have to admit ... 
But half an hour and some serious pinning and pulling later,  it is flat and ready to be sprayed with water to reset the fibres. It will now stay on the wall for at least three days to dry thoroughly. This is just over 30" x 40"
In the meantime - the first two pieces have been blocked, are lovely and flat and ready for hand stitching. This is the pink print. I have added a few strips of dyed ribbon and chosen some threads to add some hand work.
Despite all the layers, it is still easy enough get my needle through
all stitched and now comes the brave part ... I am going to coat it all in mat medium.

I really like doing this - it protects any more fragile materials used - such as paper; it holds any loose stiches or fibres securely and I feel it pulls all the elements together, without taking away from their differences .. it also feel much more like a piece of art to go on the wall after you have done this ...
All done - you can barely see the difference - but it is definitely there - easier to see in the flesh
when this has dried, I want to just go back in to those prints with probably crayons, to emphasise their colour, then I shall coat it again, finish the edges and  mount it up. Whilst it's drying I shall stitch number 2 - the blue leaf print. These pieces will all be on show at the ICHF spring show at the NEC, in a gallery called The Shape of Nature, which Jenny Rolfe and I are sharing. We will be demonstrating and also have a colour catalogue available of all the works exhibited. Hope you will come and see us.
Now - before we move on to the stunning work made by my Make it Personal students .. just let me have a quick moment of shopkeeper-ness. I have recently received the new colours of setacolour opaque paint, including some stunning new shimmers. I have finally got myself sorted too, and made some colour charts, so you can see what they look like .. 
 opaque's ..
and shimmers
the charts are also in the online shop and they are only £3.50/jar at present .. beautiful quality fabric paints
You know - I think my girls deserve their own post .. so I'm going to stop now .. and do just that. Back in a couple of minutes with some for their beautiful work - Hilary x 


  1. Great post Hilary - so interesting to see the process! Especially when the results are so stunning! Ta!

    1. Ahah - you see I don't post the utter disasters George!! xx

  2. I love all your samples. coincidentally, I am working on a leaf gelli print as well. Yours is beautiful.

  3. Just gorgeous - can't beat the Gelli plate for awesome work, whether paper or textile!

  4. These are beautiful Mrs B ... as usual x
