
Sunday 23 February 2014

still more talent .. session one .. part two

OK - I am starting with 127 images here .. yep .. that is what I said .. 127!! . I shall whittle a little as I go - but safe to say I think there will be lots. Do take time and look through though - as they are all both beautiful and unique. This was the second session of session one .. and yet again I was/am amazed at the talent and also the diversity of work done .. on both days. It is going to bevso exciting seeing how these girls develop over the year. So without more ado and with the same caveat as yesterday about names .. I am trying .. here we go -
   and a bit of colour changing ..
oh - a bit more playing with the colour changer!
Kath O 
Kathy B
And all thses I am unsure of names ..
and one last play with the colour changer !!
I may have got Margaret and Kath's names mixed up .. sorry if I had. I can picture you both and know exactly what you did .. but the names weren't certain in my brain. If I've got others wrong - apologies ...
There are lots more of some than others - this was simply down to some people needing to leave on time! - so my time was limited!!
Again - a stunning and very inspiring collection of work from all - I'm a proud mother rabbit again - Hilary x


  1. Some really amazing images here. Very well done everyone.
    It realli is nice to be able to see everyone's work. :-)

  2. What a wonderful set of eye candy posts. very inspiring. Your students are all to be congratulated

  3. What an amazingly productive group you had. Some of these pieces are works of art in themselves.

  4. What a wonderful array of art work .. sounds a fun group. Inspired by Mrs B x

  5. Truly amazing work Hilary.
    Can I again ask you for your wisdom as you have wax lyrical about your thermofax machine.. I am thinking about getting a one, but have been a little concerned reading that some people have trouble making the screens. I have a laiser printer which I believe is OK, plus am I right you can make them from pencil sketches. Did you go for the A3 or A4 machine?
