
Sunday 26 October 2014

The old black bird again unfortuntely

Oh dear - not a cheery post I fear. Some of you may have guessed from my somewhat quiet few weeks that all was not too good.
Unfortunately, I have had to admit that I am in the throes of another bout of depression. I think you all know it is a constant bystander for me, and every now and then swoops. No doubt I will work out why and equally, experience tells me that rest and withdrawal for a while will return me to normal.
I have had  to cancel everything for the next few weeks. I hope to be recovered enough to be on my stand at the Harrogate K+S show … I will keep you all up to date.  
Its been a funny year - some really wonderful things, some really awful and sad things and some just difficult to deal with things. I have been struggling since FOQ really and need to get properly well in order to be able to engage positively in all these things.
In the meantime, please bear with me – I find any sort of communication incredibly hard whilst my score so high – it is not that I don’t care … more that my brain seems to just shut down. Emotion is also too hard to deal with. Those who live with depression will know exactly what I mean.
Sorry to any I am letting down in anyway and I hope to be back to my normal (ish) self soon.
Hilary x
PS - just seen post below and realise those not on facebook may not realise that the Gelli book is now available in my online shop and from Art van Go x


  1. I am sorry. I hope you feel better soon. Be good to yourself.

  2. Hope you feel better soon, do take all the time you needxxxx

  3. Darling girl, you have been ultra-busy and now you need to be ultra-at-peace. You will resurface. XX

  4. Take good care of you. Hugs from across the water.

  5. My heart is sad for you.....take care and all the time you need to heal!

  6. Step back and look after yourself Hilary. Rest and 'me-time' will hopefully restore you to better health. x Take care x

  7. concentrate on getting well soon, we're here when you're ready x

  8. Take care of yourself, we're listening.

  9. Really sorry to hear that you are suffering, but glad that you are resting. With these things I think the only thought that helps is that it will go - it has before, it will again. In the meantime, will be thinking of you.

  10. Hilary
    So sorry you are in the throes of a bout of depression. I have those 3 and all you can do is hunker down and take care of yourself till it lifts!
    It was lovely to do the leaf printing workshop with you at Uttoxeter!

  11. Not a good place to be in, I know. Give yourself all the time you need, we'll be with you when you come out the other side. Take care

  12. Thank you all SO much for such kind comments and wishes - they were and are truly appreciated. Those who either live with depression themselves, or with someone else who does will understand that even the tiniest of tasks can seem simply impossible .. I liken it to being 'unplugged' - all energy and will is gone. So I am sorry not to have answered these lovely messages earlier - but rest assured they were read and appreciated xx
