
Sunday 3 May 2015

Moving to a new country, a stunning coastline and a bit of dyeing

Well - here I am in Wales .. Swansea, South Wales to be precise. Hilary (another one with a lurcher) pointed out that I hadn't really updated on here about that .. and she is completely right. I have probably talked more about the move on facebook, but not kept us fully in the picture here on the blog. Mea Culpa and I shall now make recompense. That above is the view from the back of our rented house ... need I say I am  happy??

Job changes for Stephen meant that we had to move from Lincoln to Wales at rather short notice. We seem fated to make moves like this - but the time scale and distance of this move meant that we had to rent in the short term .. only practical solution. We went out for supper with our new neighbours last night, and as they said - we have really rather fallen on our feet (paws) here. WE are in Uplands - the area of Swansea where Dylan Thomas was born (I keep saying Bob Dylan - but that is just menopause and age). It is a quite fascinating city and this area is a wonderful place to live. Everything you could want close by, cafes, shops, museums, galleries, stunning parks and of course - that beach

I cannot believe how quiet it is - and smothered in treasure

which I just can't resist collecting (by the bucket load as you can see). I do have some plans of how to use this in work - so not just over excited gathering (really - it's not)

The sea from the window changes colour and shape constantly and I just cannot stop taking photos and staring ..

 The bands and strips of blues and greens have me both mesmerised and excited


 It took me a while to realise that one of the lines of blue that I can see on clear days is in fact mountains over in England

Obvious once you do realise

Beautiful views when down at the beach too 

even the odd person ..

I have an exhibition with Steph Redfern in the summer, coincidentally at the Minerva Gallery in Llanidloes .. which is called 'Sanctuary'. I have some of the work already made, but will be adding more: this place is a sanctuary for me - a place of beauty and safety when all else is change .. and I want to include some of these views and blues .. I'll keep you informed ..

We also went up the Gower coastline a couple of weeks ago .. more stunning scenery and empty beaches ..

 I spotted the perfect house overlooking Rhossili Bay .. look hard below

 here it is zoomed in - no electricity, but who cares????

 and South Wales is not just beaches - there are mountains too .. and rocks .. spectacular ones

 no wonder the Welsh are proud ... 

I do have to force myself away from all these new and exciting wonders to work .. and last weekend was sunny, and I needed some blue and sandy coloured cloth (surprise) I got a folding table out onto the terrace outside the back of the house, some old dyes and a few silk screens and got going..

 accompanied as always by the ever faithful Dixter ...

 My thickened dyes had been kept in a very ho car for nearly 3 weeks (whilst I tidied the studio - was not meant to be so long, but you have seen it). Most were OK - but some had really thinned out - still usable but a bit runny

You can see how they blobbed through screen ... but do I care?? I do not. I used mostly plain screens to just apply various blues, pinks, corals and browns to plain white cloth - messy but effective

I also used a screen that I had brushed Soy was on to as a resist - I've used it a lot and the wax did start to break down with the very wet dye .. but lovely marks just the same

I had my fabric in a big stack as I worked and let each application of dye soak through to layers below. This made only having one table much easier to manage and I love the extra marks the soak through give. The fabric was also very creased - but that just gave me more organic marks too

 All were batched (kept damp) in plastic bags overnight and then rinsed and machine washed the next day. I knew the old dyes would leach a little - especially in a hot machine wash - but I wanted the colours paler - and was really pleased with my results

You will see these appearing in my sanctuary work in due course. This was a very un-technical and rough screen dyeing session - but I got great results just the same - and it was FUN. I say this to encourage you to just have a bash and see what happens. If your dyes become liquid - well just go with that blobby look .. if they are old and faded - either utilise that or overdye ... and screens are just a great way to get marks on cloth - try them. You will also notice mine are mostly not taped up with duck tape. I just got bored of doing it really. I now have some metal screens that don't need it anyway - and the wooden ones will rot eventually .. but so what? They will do a good year or so - and they are not very expensive - I will just replace when they really won't play any more.

So - I am keen to get on with my coast based Sanctuary pieces - but first I had  a couple of Bulrushes pieces to collage and stitch. These are to go to France for the Quilt en Sud exhibition with Crossing Oceans International group ... here they are collaged and just about ready to stitch. I will show you more of that process next time

Thanks for visiting - Hilary xx


  1. A great read - well done baby. Its good to know you are feeling more settled. x

    1. HI Kim - maybe too settled for a rented house! - but enjoying it whilst it lasts .... when do you start on the moving house trail?? xx

  2. This is my third attempt to get this comment onto here, I may need to lie down in a darkened room! (Technology!!!!!) Fab place, inspirational, beautiful sea, great dyeing, I shall try it myself outside. I think that covers it all. You live in a beautiful place now Hilary, not that Lincolnshire isn't lovely too. Keep enjoying!

    1. gold star for perseverance - if it's any consoloation it gets snitchy with me too - and it is my blog ..
      The place is beautiful and dyeing outside is one of my favourite things to do - even without the sea views! xx

  3. So pleased to see you are back working again. You must have missed it. :-)
    I shall enjoy seeing them develope.

    1. missed it horribly Dorothy - life blood for me xx

  4. Can I come and stay? How wonderful to live by the beach :)

    1. It is a dream come true Wendy - I think I need place for lots of visitors! xx

  5. You make turning out stunning work look incredibly easy....definitely a master at work. Love it.

    1. thank you Bonnie - but I do believe it is easy - as long as you develop the ability (and confidence) to be happy with your own creativity - but I shall allow mnyself a small glow of pride! xx

  6. So glad you are so positive. It looks a fabulous place. Never been to Wales. Miss you over here in Lincs. our loss is Wales' gain xx

    1. I miss you too Sheila - lots ... we must put right that never been to Wales - you will love it. Going to QG coffeee morning on Sat xx

  7. It all makes sense!!

    South Wales looks rather lovely in truth.

  8. Techy issues! Commenting in batches.

    So I hope the schlep up and down to Lincolnshire isn't too tiresome and draining. Hope the sale goes through ok and you can get yourself a permanent studio all set up and ready to go.

    Hilary (lurcher) xx

    1. House sale seems to be progressing smoothly - all paws crossed please xx

  9. Lovely Hils!! it is always interesting to see your work and the colours are amazing.

    1. THanks Cynth - those blues are just mesmersing xx

  10. A wonderful place you're in now with your work & surroundings! All the best.

    1. Thank you Linda - I suspect there will be quite a heavy coast output of work for a while - but as that happliy ties in with the new book - perfect xx

  11. I can see you moving on to the Gower. God's own country.

    1. Ahh - we call Yorshire Gods own county Sally - happy to concede this could well be his country! xx

  12. Just fabuloso views of that blue sea and sky Hilary - lovely to hear your news and to see that you are back being a messy girl again. I have missed the Make It Personal group and the inspiration/perspiration in generated. I could do with another fix...

    1. I have missed the MIP group too Alison - such a lovely atmosphere we had ... will get new wrokshops sorted as soon as I can - how far is it from the lakes to Swansea?!! xx

    2. It's do-able!! Google maps says about 5 hours, and I have good friends along the way so can combine with visits and red wine glugging.

    3. I love you Alsion - that is my sprt of world view too - of course 5 miles is doable!! We have seen a property that would ahve studio space (with a bit of re-jigging) ... now depned whether the sellers will accept an offer ... will keep you in touch with developments xxx

  13. Welcome to South Wales Hilary! Waving to you from along the coast.

    1. Thank you Deborah - which bit of coast are you on? xx

  14. I have told Biddy all about Dexter and she is longing for a run on the beach with him whenever you are ready!

    1. Hi Georgy ... got to go to Lincoln next week to see Doc- but shoudl be back on Wednesday .. 20th?? - anytime after that you are more than welconme ... our Jean too if she woudl like to come? just let me know and I will oredr the best rock buns ever not made by me xxxx
