
Thursday 20 August 2015

Get ready - it's another shows worth of gelliping!!

I tell you - four days demonstrating a gelli plate produces ALOT of prints! I decided only to photograph the ones I had dyed over - but I've still got shed loads. So I'm going to split this post in two - just the first 50 today
So here we are - gelli prints from Festival of Quilts .. such a wonderful tool and you can do amazing things with it. These are a selection of leaf prints and backgrounds to go with them - the first half on paper (a mix of khadi, deli and cartridge papers) and the next lot on fabric .. I like to print on a variety of surfaces as it gives me a more varied palette of materials to work with. Materials form demos are always particularly interesting as I try to use lots of different colours to show people how they work together and as resist. So a bright bunch ....hope you enjoy them


alright - not leaves ... heart stamps - they just sneaked in early .. 

oh - another couple of hearts .. pretty though ..


we are switching to fabric now ... both plain cheap cotton and cotton lawn

 anyone spot the crab??




Phew ... such piles of yumminess. The next lot will be textures on the gelli plate - like this one below, and some stamps too - see you very soon xx


  1. So pleased you have shown these Hilary as I coudn't be there. You were very busy indeed and I love them!

    1. I do seem to have produced rather alot Dorothy .. happy you like them xx

  2. Errrrr, I missed the crab but I did see lots of beautiful layers and some lovely subtle effects on the fabric. I glimpsed you at Festival amidst a sea of eager people and a flurry of gelliping. Glad you had a great time and good to see your new white charger.

    1. Loving the expression 'flurry of gelliping' - perfect! I only spotted the crab myself when taking close ups ... no idea how he got there! Great show - hope you enjoyed it and avoided bankruptcy!! xx

  3. Wow, you wont need to create any more papers or fabrics. Such fabulousness. Xx

    1. Oh I will Judith .. you woudl be amazed .. and I couldn't possibly not gellip. I shall cut up alot of these to go as free packs with th sketchbooks .. they will be dleicious xx

  4. Oh my goodness. Just absolutely awesome...... I so need to dig my plate out again and play. Thank you so much for posting these prints.

    1. You do, you do Darlene .. it is a pleasure to help another gelli out of hiding! xx

  5. So Inspiring! I was able to collect gingko leaves today in Connecticut (wanted to rip down a branch load - but didn't). I'm going to do some gelliping tomorrow using the photos you posted for my colour inspirations. Thank you for posting these!

    1. oooh - I love ginko leaves ... there is a tree in a grden just down the road and like you I have to resist going round with loppers and 'borrowing' a branch. They gellip beauifully .. I am planning to make a lino cut of one, for when the neighbours tree isn't obliging .. do share your prints xx

  6. Yummy. Such lovely colours. I'm looking forward to getting back to the piece of fabric I bought from you at the Festival. On the Canal du Garonne in France at the moment, lots of lovely leaves here, you would love.. Sandra G xx

  7. You shoudl have a baby gelli with you Sandra to capture all those French leaves ... am very jealous of the holiday thing .. we must acquite that habit here! Lovley to see you at Festivalxx
