Monday, 28 November 2022

New Website and New Blog .. at last!!


Hello everyone here. As you know Ive been trying to find better ways of communicating ... such an important thing, and so hard to get right. Well - Ive finally got my gallery website back up and running - so my work is visible online again. Its hard to believc its taken 3 years .. I can only say I'm always too busy, and it was yet another hard learning curve. 

The new website offers an integrated blog - and thats eems to make sense to me. You can also access my social medie pages if you wish to, as well as the webshop, via the new website. And there are galleries of all my work ... so its everything in one place. I'll be using the blog there to talk about my work, old and new, art stuff, shows and exhibtions, workshops and online teaching, and anything else interesting and new. 

So please come along and join me there. I think it will work a lot better - and I'm looking forward to being a better communicator!! - Hilary xx

Heres a link for the new blog

and new website

Sunday, 30 January 2022

Breakdown Printing Workshop: Session 1 results

OOOh - maybe I can add a note!! This is a short (18 mins) video about the breakdown course results - hope you enjoy it - Hilary xx


Hello 😊 😊 😊

So how on earth do we start on a 5 year catch up?? I’ve been trying to think of the most important, or most interesting things to tell you about. And of course, one stood out miles ahead of anything else. The dogs!! What is the current dog situation? So, let's start there, although I promise there will be lots of textile and arty stuff to come as well!!

It was strange seeing the last image and line of my final post in 2017 – just before I started workshops at the studio here – because it was my beloved Dixter. And he sadly isn’t with us anymore. He died in November 2019, after a brave battle with cancer. It was very late diagnosed, and we tried operating – but it was too late. And as soon as I could see he was suffering, I made the decision to let him go. He was a one off – and we loved him so so much. But the sadness of losing them, is the only downside there is to owning a pet. And for me, it’s so worth it, for all the joy they give in between

But let’s move on from that sadness – because before he was ill, we finally decided to get him some company. You may recall that we still had Bala our lovely cat when we moved her and she and Dix were good friends. 

And after she died, we were concerned that Dix was getting lonely. He sort of became a little withdrawn – isolating himself even. We were doing all the usual humming and ha-ing: ‘would they get on?’ ‘would the new dog bully our lovely but very gentle and timid Dix?‘ ‘should we get a puppy or a rescue adult?’ ‘girl or boy?’ etc etc. If you’ve been there, you will know all this. I’m a bit of a fatalist, so I kept thinking that if it was the right thing, then fate would put a doggie in my path. And so she did. A friend suggested I join a Bedlington Whippet Facebook group (that’s the lurcher cross Dix was) – and I soon saw a gorgeous pup needing a new home. He was living in a gypsy camp, and they didn’t want him ☹ Only 3 months old – I wondered if he was just a bad hunter or something. Anyway – who cares? Not me - - so I got in touch with the owner and persuaded Stephen he would definitely love this new family addition. And he did, we did, and all the students coming here for workshops did. Dixter was a little wary ...

 but got over it quickly – and soon took the youngster under his wing. 

We called him Milo – and he settled in with us quickly. He’d never lived indoors and was used to living with the other lurchers outside, so to begin with would only socialise with Dix. But he soon learnt all about food (he was starving on arrival!!)  and walks and cuddles and all the other happy stuff our spoilt pooches take for granted

And they had 18 very happy months together, before Dixter left us all. And we were then back to ‘should we get another dog’ again. ‘Was Milo lonely?’ 

He was still a puppy, so hard to guage – but of course we worried. And all the same questions came up. Milo’s a very different boy to Dix – much more confident and where Dix was timid, Milo can be aggressive outside with other dogs. Upbringing I imagine! Plus he got attacked by another dog. So how best to deal with that? Older dog companion? A girl? Questions questions again. 

And yet again fate decided. A Facebook message about a beautiful boyo in Spain, whose adoption had fallen through and was now at risk of being killed, just caught my heart. 

And so our Dylan arrived with us. Another lurcher we think – but a very different cross: we think a Spanish Mastin/Podengo cross. This is day 1 

 Whatever he is – he is just gorgeous, and  the best thing that ever happened to Milo. They just adore each other. Very close in age – they just play and play. It’s a total joy to see. 

And a fair bit of snoozing too!! 

And of course, they help out with my teaching and artwork as well – goes without saying. You will hear lots more about them – they are so central to my life and happiness. But next time will be textiles and art I promise!!

And I’d also like to post a video of some materials made during the recent Breakdown Printing course. One thing I do want to do better, is notify people about workshops. I only ever seem to get a notice on Facebook – and I am aware that not everyone will see that. So  I will link from YouTube – but I still don’t know how to add notes!! So be prepared!!

Thanks for reading – and do please comment and chat to me. I like talking! And although we have our new lovely boys - for now this is still the screen saver on my phone ...- Hilary xx

Friday, 28 January 2022

Ok - so its been rather a long-ish time since I last posted!! In fact it looks to have been when I was just starting up the studio here in Newport. Nearly 5 years ago 😲

Do I have an excuse? Not a very good one I'm afraid. But it is a good reason. Simply time and complete overwhelming busyness. I have kept most of my interaction and posting on facebook for the last few years - its about all I've managed to keep going.  But I do know its not everyones favourite platform, and  it keeps altering it's faces and wa - which is annoying!! And I'm not convinced I'm actually talking to the people I want to anymore.

So I've decided to get back here, where I can post images and videos, information and chat (plus a little gossip). And I can be sure they are being seen by those who would like to keep in touch with me, and what I'm doing. 

So - the next few posts should really be a good catch up I think! I shall start on Sunday - see you then - Hilary xx