
Monday 28 November 2022

New Website and New Blog .. at last!!


Hello everyone here. As you know Ive been trying to find better ways of communicating ... such an important thing, and so hard to get right. Well - Ive finally got my gallery website back up and running - so my work is visible online again. Its hard to believc its taken 3 years .. I can only say I'm always too busy, and it was yet another hard learning curve. 

The new website offers an integrated blog - and thats eems to make sense to me. You can also access my social medie pages if you wish to, as well as the webshop, via the new website. And there are galleries of all my work ... so its everything in one place. I'll be using the blog there to talk about my work, old and new, art stuff, shows and exhibtions, workshops and online teaching, and anything else interesting and new. 

So please come along and join me there. I think it will work a lot better - and I'm looking forward to being a better communicator!! - Hilary xx

Heres a link for the new blog

and new website

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