
Sunday 28 October 2012

A wonderful couple of days at Art van Go

I can't believe it is now two weeks ago that I was at Art van Go for a lovely relaxing two day workshop with Frances Pickering ... but that is how life is at the moment - disappearing fast! The workshop was my reward to myself for getting all my quilts finished and delivered to Grosvenor shows - which I did, just in the nick of time. So I packed up a bag of gorgeous stuff and went off with my friend Jenny to enjoy ourselves. So here are lots of images of what I was up too ... hope you enjoy them:

We were making fabric books and this is the cover of mine - nice and fat and full of pages and over twice the size of anyone elses (typical)

And here is the back... All the fabrics I used were recycled/vintage and they were a joy to rummage out and use. We added images on top of the fabrics - in this case a print and a drawing I made, using the fabrics as inspiration

Here are a couple of the prints I made, using some clear flexicut 'soft' lino (available from AVG and wonderful|). I was able to put it over an image in a very old book of flowers I found in the charity shop and use the outlines to carve my stamp

Another page being tried out - with another print (I made lots, I always do). The writing is done with a fine sharpie and is just thoughts I had about the flowers. On the left you can see a gorgeous vintage fabric, which I will be using as inspiration for more stamps and applique to go on that page

Another spread - this time a gazania I painted on top of a printed fabric and then softened around with a little gesso. The right side is another vintage fabric, with an overlay of the same fabric, which I plan to applique in place when I have finished painting it. Also lots of lace around ....

A closer shot of the gazania (definitely not botanically correct - although Frances' are)

and here is the rose, just as I have started to colour it in with pencil

Another lovely page of vintage fabric, where I have started adding some stitching

and another possible arrangement

and another (very addictive this) - this one will have the pen drawing I have made on some old yellow linen stitched on

Another pen drawing ready for use ... these drawings were based on another old fabric

And the book laid open - front and back showing 

I have still along way to go, but this is such a lovely relaxing project, I shall definitely get it finished and post images here. The books Frances does are small and beautifully detailed with drawings and paintings. I suspect mine will evolve to be rather more 'busy' than hers, and definitely bigger ... but I love the technique and idea, and will take it further when I have time I think.

I did manage to get to Grosvenors' Malvern Show with a couple of friends yesterday, and had my first viewing of my quilts and many others of course. I was sort of dreading it - it can be hard to look at your own work. But Vicki and the team have done me proud and I was so pleased with how they had the exhibition looking. I promise to post some images from the show and about the day next time - so please come back! - Hilary x


  1. Thank you for that post! I found it very inspiring!

    1. I'm so glad! - I can thoroughly recommedn both Frances and fabric books ... lovley things to make - Hilary x

  2. Hilary - I have just discovered this! Your new blog. How did I miss that? I will add a link to my own page so that the handful of peeps who follow me (well sometimes I get 30 odd hits a day so not so bad) will also see what you are up to.

    Loving the little book by the way. And the ink tense pencil is interesting. I have some but don't use them that much. Note to self - get the box out and try them again.

    1. Hi Hilary!! - very nice to have another H on here ... and a lurcher fan one at that. Thanks for the link and when I get my links sorted I will return the favour, as your blog is a joy.
      The little book is exactly that too - a joy utterly relaxing to get an hour or or so working in it. Should be available on the National Health. I'm still unsure about inktense .. but I'm going to work with it some more, then decide!! - Hilary x

  3. Love the way that the book i progressing. I have been toying with the idea of doing this class at the Bramble Patch next year. I think you have just convinced me! Congratulations on your exhibition at Malvern. I've only seen photos so far but will definitely be visiting one of the future venues

    1. Maggi _ ilove your new ID ... are you M as in 007? Very enigmatic. If you want a couple fo really realxing days, then I would heartily recommned this class ...
      Thank you re:Malvern - I have had such wonderful feedback ... apparently even converted a quilt hater to a fan - big tick. I'm putting an exhibitions page on the website, which I am overhauling at the moment, and will list the future venues and dates there. Duxford next Spring is probably going to be closest for you - Hilary x
