
Saturday 20 October 2012

The Studio Edition

If you get Quilting Arts magazine, you will probably be aware that they have a studio edition, where they visit and photograph gorgeous, to die for studios ..... so not to be left out - this is my version. It should also re-assure all those who have been so patient with my unavailability that I really have been busy, and am only just re-emerging!

So lets start with the view from the door as we enter ... the one that cause Stephen to visibly shudder ....

Before we go further into this area (and that is not easy) - let us just glance right into the 'wet' area ....

Ok - maybe lets not linger there .. so bravely onwards - here is the work and laying out table .... above ...

and beneath ......

and on (very carefully) past my expensive and highly valued machine ...

and round the coroner (should be 'corner', but that is the speller suggestion and I loved it"!) to the office/library area ....

a useful bench for sitting and browsing books ....

and back past the design board and another well used chair .. 

I am a Virgo and not naturally attracted to mess ... this really is a sign of the times. I do make a mess when I am working and time has been so tight, I have just not tidied up at all in between. Are you very jealous???

But Stephen is away this weekend, I am just back from a lovely course, (which I shall tell you about next blog) and today and tomorrow are allocated to sorting this out. That done, I shall be ready to go again and the website update is one of next weeks jobs .. so do keep a look out for that. I'll also hopefully have some feedback from the Kent show (if any of you have been, pleeeease tell me how the quilts looked!) and some new work on the go.

Now though - on with the wombles (have you spotted the CD? - I nearly cropped it, but then decided to brazen it out) and out with the mess ... think of me and wish me luck! - Hilary x


  1. This may not be a competition, but trust me, mine is

    1. Am trying very hard to re-assure myslef with that thought Marion ... but fear you may just be being kind

  2. I think that no matter how much space you have, it's never going to be enough. I went to a lecture given by Nancy Crow recently, and her studio space is a whole large barn. However, her slides showed the mess it gets into when she's on a mission, so she is now organising yet another barn conversion for some extra room!!!

    1. I love the way Nancy C just mentions to her hubby that another barn is needed - and off he and the boys go and get one. Have tried this many times with Stephen - but no luck yet!!

  3. Nice to see "real" rather than "magazine" studio space!

    1. Isn't it!! I wonder how many studios really look tidy for very long. I am firmly of the view that you can't be in the tidy and the creative side of your brain at the same time ... well I definitley can't!

  4. Yep, it looks very much like my space, how do we ever get anything done? Good luck with the tidy (?) up.

    1. Got to be honest Julie - this has probably reached the point where I really don't think I could get anything done in it now ... that tidy is essential - and progressing slowly!

  5. Hils, I thought my space could get messy at times, but yours is glorious. Now, what you need is a nice plan chest, I know some people who are really clever at fitting them into any tiny domestic space...Sxx

  6. Can't deny that when I have got over the sjuddering, I do feel quite a glow of pride at having created this spectacle .... Of course what I could do with is a couple of tidying wombles in my employ ...but I fear they do not work outside London. Have just thoroughly enjoyed the plan chest installation saga ... must get links put on here, but for now will direct folks to:
    to read about and no doubt lust over that gorgeous chest (furniture chest I should perhaps add) Hxx

  7. I almost feel like photographing my creative tip now, I have never been brave enough to blog it. Thank you SO MUCH for revealing just how artwork is REALLY created. I hate it when Ive tidied up (4 times a year max) I feel so stiffled. Sometimes just the right piece is on the floor!
    I have taken over 2 of our bedroom with incurtions into a third, I keep trying to get my husband to move our bedroom to the smallest room so I can have the largest one, with water and lots of cupboards but he just wont agree, I guess opening the door and tumbling onto the bed just is not a 60's thing lol

    1. Men can sadly be very obstinate about giving over their homes to creative wives. I found that threatening the main bedroom was an excellent way to obtain agreement for garage conversion though.... so keep at it. I must admit to rather liking the feeling (rare) when everything is organised ... but I simply cannot keep it that way and create. Am still fighting this lot - big big job!!

  8. Hallelujah - a real working space - I get so intimidated by the glamour and the order of the Mollie Makes type studio that is all colour coordinated and tidier than ANY part of my home let alone the creative space!
    I am going to tidy up tomorrow though - in my hurry to make today, I did not clear before I vacuumed my bobbin race, and I said goodbye to some nearby half-inch half-square triangles that were my bane, but valued too!

  9. Oooh - I think taking a vacuum anywhere near my studio would be a very dangerous thing to do. Being a smidge on the imaptient side, I cannot help but feel that 1/2" half square triangles maybe be better up the hoover though!! -

  10. I loved your entry, and then I really love the way that everyone else 'fesses up! Mine is messy too!


    1. It's great isn't it!! I wonder what other dirty little secrets we all have?? x
