
Saturday 5 January 2013

Anticiapting Spring, New work and a New Company!

I have to start this post  by thanking Marion, Annabel, Sandra and Amo - without whom it would still be sitting sulking as a draft. When the going gets tough (technologically on this occasion) - get the girls going. So Thank You girls ...finally - here's the post!

Firstly - Happy New Year ... I think 2013 is going to be brilliant. Those who have been reading my blog for a while may remember that in late 2011 (unbelievable that it is so long ago now), I planted a lot of pots with Spring bulbs, with the aim of photographing them for use in future works in my Pots series (as well as enjoying them of course!). I did take those photos, but then last Spring got so busy, they never got posted, or used. I found the images again over the Christmas break, when I was trying to tidy up and organise all my photo files ( true horror job) ... and they really cheered me. Once the longest day is out of the way, I always feel that Spring is just around the corner, and these remind me of what there is to look forward to ..

These are so inspiring to me - I will definitely be using some of them in work soon. 

At the moment though, I am working with found objects .. shells and crabs and pebbles etc, as these were a nice follow on from my last coastal work. I already had some thermofax screens made (have I mentioned how much I LOVE that machine?)and I added in a few more and then printed a pile of cloths and papers. I've chosen a few and made them in to collages :

These two are about 13" square 
 These are about 13" x 20" each
They are ready for stitching now, so that is the next job. I shall machine stitch first and then probably add hand stitching. I'm really looking forward to getting these mounted up and complete ... and that will be another bit for the book too.

Talking of which ... I have to show you this parcel that arrived today ...

This is the first delivery for 'Quirky Pair' .. Steph and I's new company ... very exciting!!

Back soon with more news and work - Hilary x


  1. Yay! Glad a bit of fiddling with browser worked.

    The pots look lovely but spring is coming after the longest night! Lol.

    So looking forward to seeing more of your found objects. Lovely!!

    1. I'm still amazed it did, and that anyone knew to do that... I am definitely a technical liability. I really feel that about Spring ... and you are further south than me, although Lincoln is in a little hot spot. All our bulbs are sticking their noses up ... all that promise! Pleased you like Found so far x

  2. Hi Hilary! Thank you so much for your comment on my blog, I'm going to try what you suggested today :) I'm really looking forward to making this quilt, hoping to use a bit of fabric applique on it too as as you say, fabric and paper together can be lovely :)

    Love the flower photos, those red tulips are amazing :) And Quirky Pair is very exciting!

    Looking forward to seeing you and your quilts at FoQ too! x

  3. Hils, great garden shots, I love a planted pot.
