
Monday 14 January 2013

Quirky Rituals, more cloth and a sunken bath(room)

No doubt the quirky rituals are the main attraction here - but you will have to wait, as the cloth is coming up first. Steph Redfern and I hired a room from Anne at the Bramble Patch last week, so that we could work and talk book stuff at the same time. I fear we are both workaholics, as neither of us really feel too comfy about just discussing ... no, we like to work flat out as well. The BP is a great venue for this, as it is sort of in between us, and fabulous for a messy day with the dyes and paints. We had some new paints to try out, and some new fabric, as well as a couple of new dye colours, so it was all very exciting.

These images show us arriving, heavily loaded with bags of stuff, but in a tidy space, and then below, the situation a couple of hours later. I leave you to work out whose is the messiest space ...

No point in packing lightly .. and we were there for two days, so lots of stuff was necessary. OK - I'm going to do the ritual bit now....

I hadn't realised, but Steph always does this little dance (on the left and somewhat Morcambe and Wise) before she starts working ... sort of a good luck thing. I like this so much, that we are going to adopt it as A Quirky Pair practise - it may become our defining feature. And here she is at work too. In the foreground at the bottom, you can see her pile of thermofax screens .. an awful lot. This is just like me, and why we needed the machines. 

And the cloth ....

These are just some of mine ... I think I am going to have to think of something else to do with them. I love making them so much .. but really can't see how I can use them all myself ..... yet. I am thinking ......

These were done using a mixture of acrylic paint and fabric paint, both by Pebeo, and dyes. Those made with the fabric paint are rather softer than the acrylic ones - but both are wonderful for collage. The colours are so vibrant - they just sing. Steph made some gorgeous stuff too and no doubt will be posting those on her blog - so have a look there too.

Oh yes - I nearly forgot ... the bathroom!! 

I know - a bit of an odd image. We stayed at the local pub and I was thrilled to discover that my en suite was down some stairs ... a genuine sunken bathroom. I may be easily pleased, but I though it was very plush!

Thanks for visiting - talk again soon - Hilary x


  1. It's certainly a sunken loo!!!

    Great fabrics. I have BP Envy!!

    1. I couldn't get the bath in shot and keep the sunkenness - but it was there, honest. I think BP envy is a perfectly natural thing to have - what a joyous space it is ... all that space. I want one of my own!!

  2. Morecambe and Wise, yes, they are definitely the main influence in my art and life. I do love dancing mind, which always surprises people, for some reason. Good times Hils, and your cloths look good, you managed to do a lot more than I did. I spend a lot of time sorting through screens I think, and, well, tidying up....
