
Saturday 2 March 2013

workshops and more workshops!!

I suppose this is a bit of an update sort of a blog .. as I have been finalising plans for some workshops recently and said I would post details when available. I would like to forewarn you that my keyboard has gone all hissy on me and is only typing the odd (randomly chosen it would seem) letter .. so I apologise in advance for any real clangers.  So first up ... I have just received confirmation that I will be teaching a masterclass (oooherr!) at FOQ - 2 days: Tues 6th and Wed 7th Aug 2013. This will be the first time I have taught at festival and I'm really looking forward to it. The two day class will be looking at preparing personal and unique materials for using in design and finished work, then using these to develop a series of designs for future pieces  It's going to be fun, as I am planning on using paint and  apparently my water facilities are limited to a bucket! ... but we shall not be daunted. Here are a couple of images of the sort of stuff we will be doing:

I believe the masterclasses are listed as intermediate or above .. but I am happy for anyone to come .. and hopefully those who have been on one  my workshops would confirm that I am not at all scary. I am also taking a stand at Festival for the first time this year (eeek) and interestingly  will need to be assembling this on the Wednesday as well as teaching .. hmmmm. But I have a cunning plan - well not so cunning actually .. I have just told Stephen he is having a day off work and coming to NEC to build a stand  Steep learning curve for him too .. but he will be fine. If you are around on Wed and see one stressed  man - do help him out. I think the worst thing for him was that last weekend  I decided we had better go and suss out Ikea for shelves, boxes, tables . that sort of thing (for the stand).I am sure Stephen is not alone in being a man who truly loathes Ikea .. so I take my hat off to him for his help and good(ish) humour.

I told you last time that I had agreed with Anne at the Bramble Patch to run a series of two day courses in 2014 ... Again preparing materials and creating designs, but in much more depth. I have put the full descriptions of each session on my website (workshops page - scroll through to end), but here are the images to go with each session.

 Session 1 Stencils and prints

 Session 2 Rubbings, resists monoprints

 Session 3 Screen prining including thermofax

Session 4 Recycling and re-using

 Session 5 Design - fabric led

Session 6 Design - theme led

I hope that looks exciting  I am certainly excited and can scarcely wait to start ... but will have to wait  a few months yet. The course starts in Jan 2014 and will then run every other month. Each session is two days and can be attended as a one off - although inevitably, the more you attend, the more you will gain. Anne will be putting these on the Bramble Patch website  fairly soon, and I hope they will be popular. Quite a few people have asked me about workshops looking at fabric painting and printing together with design and as I am now fully booked up for 2104, as well as 2013..I hope these will fit the bill. The Bramble Patch is a gorgeous shop and very nicely positioned mid country, near Daventry - a wonderful venue for workshops (and shopping).

Nearer in time though, is the Quilters Guild AGM, where I am teaching too. I have been making the pieces for this over the last few days and will post images in a couple of days for you to see. In fact - I'd better get back to them now!

Thanks for visiting my blog - I do appreciate it - Hilary x


  1. Thanks Cas .. if I hve one thing going for me it is enthusiasm .. so I hope I can share some of that x

  2. Hilary B - never mind 'Can Talk' but can also 'can blooming well teach'!

    Your hubby sounds saintly. Mine (also a Stephen - very freakishly) would never NEVER venture into an IKEA. Not in a million years!

    You have a treasure!

    So looking forward to seeing you at Brum.

    Hilary (Lurcher)

  3. Good Lord Hilary - so we are both Hilarys married to Stephens?? Must mean something! Mine is very supportive I must say and yes, the Ikea trip verged on saintly. I have to say though, it was improved by giving him a 'task' .. to find good furniture for stand ... men do so hate 'pointless browsing'(his term obviously - not mine)just a tip for other girls trying to get a man round the place. Brum should be great fun this year .. although I have to warn all friends to be careful near my stand, as you might get whipped round on the wrong side! xx

  4. Images look gorge Hils. I used to like Ikea quite a lot, but I have to gird the old loins when going there now, whatever that means.Last year a neighbour helpfully threw out some Ikea furniture I procured then used at FoQ. The table weighed so much, it's been recycled onwards now, poor old Pips could barely lug it around. This year it's keep it simple stupid for me.

  5. Sorry Steph - it clearly means you have become a man ... not good news I fear. Or maybe symbolic of your new de-cluttering phase ... hopefully it will pass. Stephen insisted on checking weights .. especially when he realised I was expecting him to assemble furniture on site ... I am so excited! xx

  6. Hi Hilary - have just found your website and blog! I was totally blown away by your exhibition at the Spring Quilt Festival - so much so that most of the photo's I took were of your work!! I have a quilting blog, and tomorrow will add the pictures of my favourite quilts from the show, so hope you don't mind me blogging about you!

    1. Hi Nicola - and thank you!! It is brilliant to hear my work has had such a positive effect on someone. I am very happy for you to blog about me - flattered in fact ... I shall see if I can find your blog via the blogger link .. if not - do let me have the address, so I can pop in every now and then and see what you are up to - Hilary x

  7. I love your art! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Hi Cam - thank you! It is honestly a pleasure to share work with such an appreciative audience .. thanks for making time to comment - Hilary x
