
Friday 15 March 2013

YIPPEEEEEE .. banner finished and which pot to choose? - views requested

That yippeeeeeee - was from the heart. The last bits of putting together anything that needs to be measured and accurate are torture for me ... but the banner is finally done and now having a very final light blocking:
And just because I like to see what machines and stuff people use - here we are in action, joining all those bits together, with my newly serviced and no longer screaming Janome:
If you can see a few odd blobs, then those are the blocking pins. I have to say the old thing went together very well (I am truly impressed with my measuring and care ... very unlike me, but then it is not for me, and that makes a difference) But I do like a nice flat boy .. so I shall leave it blocking for at least a week now and then just add the hanging sleeve. That will no doubt be minutes before it is due at the AGM in Nottingham .. but that cannot be helped.
So - still with the theme of the AGM (rather obsessed with it at present), I have been making up pieces to use as examples for the workshop I am running. I did have examples, but had forgotten (if I ever realised - probably not actually) that they would be out on exhibition with Grosvenor Shows during the very weekend of the AGM. Not a hardship  for me to make more of these though .. I truly love putting them together and will no doubt make many more before I am done. I said in my workshop blurb that those attending would have a choice of three flowers and three pots - to be combined in any way they wish. So I have made mine with Spring daffodils:
early summer tulips:
 and mid/late summer daisies:
each in a different pot or jug.  Hopefully the colours I have chosen go with those choices. They are made with a mixture of painted papers and fabrics used together with commercial fabrics and lace. Backgrounds are overall quilted in a wonky (oh how I love wonky) grid and then the pots and flowers are free machine stitched. These still need some hand stitching added, a few details enhanced with some crayon and /or pencil, and obviously edging and mounting. This will be done soon ... this will have to be done soon, the AGM is soon ....eeeeek. So if any of you are coming to my workshop, these are what you will be doing.  But before that, I need to decide which one I will donate as a prize in the Chinese auction? I am so bad at these sort of decisions, so I'm hoping you will tell me which is your favourite, to help me choose. Daffs, Daisies or Tulips?? Which would you like?
I will post more images when they are done, and let you know which one is chosen for the auction.
I have a busy week next week, visiting the Bramble Patch to deliver the Orientation pieces (note to self .. must find Orientation pieces) and then a visit to the NEC with Steph the day after for the Spring Fashion Embroidery and Stitch Show. Oh yes .... and I need to make another quilt - very quickly before the AGM .... will be another Diary of a very quick Quilt that .. if I can manage to write as well as make. I have an idea for the design (just as well I think) - but I'll tell you about that next week - Hilary x


  1. Amaazing Hilary


  2. I choose the tulips, but they are all really lovely, I would like to own the full collection.

    1. You are a woman after my own heart Denise ... always want the lot!! But I shall count that as one for the tulips xx

  3. Well done on the banner finish, it looks fabulous!

    The pots???..... I think I'd like the Daisy's myself.

    1. Thanks Amo - that banner was a real labour of love ... so I'm happy others like it too. And that is one more daisy ... xx

  4. Hilary - I do love your work. It is somehow so modern with a nod to the traditional. The banner is truly fantastic. Did you choose the colours or were they chosen by the Group?

    As for the pots, I dont' know! I think like Denise above my favourite, if I really had to choose, would be the tulips - the middle one! But the daffs might be a bit more appropriate.

    Hoping to pop along to the BP next week. I know I saw Orientation at Redditch, but got to see it again - and also hoping to get to the NEC (birthday treat to self!) What day are you going? I'll keep an eye out for you if it's the same day.

    Lots of love as always - Hilary (Lurcher or LTW!)

    1. What a very nice thing to say Hilary - thank you. I guess my love(addiction) to putting bits of different fabrics together is always going to give thing a sort of patchworky look (bet spello doesn't like patchworky - but I do). I really love traditional work, patchwork especially, but have no-where near the patience or skill to make it myself. But I'm pleased to think I have absorbed some of that tradition and that it finds a place in my work - especially the banner, which I wanted to have am appeal to both traditional and contemporary quilters. Excellent brithday treat - Steph and I are going on Friday ... if you are around it would be great to maybe meet for a coffee? And I shall count you as a tulip! xx

  5. Sorry Hilary, didn't read all the blog. Oops. Can I put my name down for the daffodils please. I love them all really.

    1. Aaaah - my mystery anonymous Sandra!! - how could you stop short of the end of one of my wonderful outpourings??!! Another daff - which so far gives me, two daffs and two daisies, but 4 tulips ... I shall keep counting xx

  6. The daisies; I think it's the strongest of the three pieces.

    1. Interesting Marion - I made myself work form a less comfortable (for me) starting point for that one ... so you have maybe picked that up .. I had to work harder. So thats 3 daisies now ... and counting .. still three weeks to go xx

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The banner looks fantastic and I am looking forward to seeing it on one of its outings being a Region 10 member myself. I think for me the daffs have it as they have a lovely airy feel but it's a close run thing.

  9. Thank you Julie - I'm not sure where it goes on outings, but do let me know if you spot it! I'll add another daffodils ... still the tulips leading by a smidge though! x

  10. daisies have a more oriental feel for the chinese auction..but thats only my opinion and i am not doing the workshop..will be in Oz

    1. How could you choose Oz over Nottingham??? Mind - I would be frankly terrified if you turned up on one of my workshops! I shall put you down for daisies ... doesn't matter whether you are coming or not ... all votes count. That now puts daisies and tulip equal - hope I get at least one more vote as otherwise I am back to having to make a decision x
