
Monday 8 April 2013

AGM - what a jolly time we had

You may have noticed a small silence from me over the last couple of weeks? and you probably guessed that all the last minute work for the QGBI AGM in Nottingham was the reason. Even with the very best planning - and the committee did all that, the last week or so are both busy and hairy! But we got there, and it all went brilliantly I thought. Food at the venue was the only complaint I heard, and even that was said with humour and understanding that this is so often the issue with such a large event. All other comments were positive and everyone I spoke to had a good time - some of us a bit too good - followed by nasty hangovers - but let us not dwell on such very naughty behaviour. I have quite a few photos to share - so here are the first bunch:

Robin Hood - and yes he was rather fabulous in those tights .. many middle aged hearts were set a flutter  I suspect ....

but unfortunately he bought flipping maid Marion with him ... who was young and gorgeous ...oh well! Here they both are with Denise, our Conference Officer - and she did a quite outstanding job too
getting stuck in at the region 10 stand ...

some of the prizes in the Chinese auction and some of the entries for the Sue Ridgewell challenge 'My World is Green'

more Sue R quilts ....

and more
and still more - a really well supported competition

Gilli Theokritoff giving a popular demo about using foils to add a bit of glamour to work

and yours truly about to get stuck into some painting and printing - Linda B, I think I have the back of your head here!
Here is a shot of Priscilla and Anne hard at work in my workshop - all students made really beautiful work which I will share when I find my other camera!

You may remember that I started a quilt for the Regional challenge? - well it was finished JUST in time and I was lucky enough to win first with it too .. so thank you to all those who voted for it! Here it is .. called 'Guardians of the City'

and a detail of the swans ... local legend has it that if the swans leave the city of Lincoln, the Cathedral will collapse.
and finally - here is the piece that you all chose to go as an auction prize .. the tulips ..

I was busy demonstrating and covered in paint when the auction prizes were drawn. I would love to know who won my piece .. so if it was anyone who reads this, do please let me know.

I had such a good time, met up with many friends and made many more. It was especially nice to talk to lots of you who tell me you read this blog and follow my work ... I appreciate it so much. I hope you will feel more brave having met me and realised what an idiot I am really, and talk to me on here! It can be a quite lonely job working away and it is so nice to haer from you.

I'll post more images of the quilts, my workshop and the cloths painted during the demo next time. Thanks for visiting - Hilary xx




  1. Hilary

    You're a celebrity!! Missed the AGM, but not sure it is really my thing if I'm honest, but seems you had a great time.

    Hilary xx (Lurcher)

    1. I'd better get booked in for the boob job then Hilary!! You know - I wouldn't have said it was going to be my thing either .. but it truly was brilliant fun - and I shall be trekking down to Portsmouth next year if I possibly can xx

  2. Even though I wasn't able to get to the AGM I did get to see your quilts at the Exeter show at the weekend. The show itself was a bit disappointing, but your exhibition was truly stunning. My favourite piece was the alliums but all of them were really inspirational.

    1. I am so pleased you liked them - that was their last outing this time .. but Vicky and I planning another gallery to go on tour with Grosvenor for 2015 and I will also have an exhibition with Quilt and Stitch Village at Uttoxeter next year(just confirmd and I'm very excited!) - althoguh that is a long visit from Cornwall, where I belive you are (lucky you!!). I will also have a stand at FOQ this year though - so do come and say hello if you are visiting .. I will be the one throwing paint around! - Hilary x
