
Friday 12 April 2013

Studio update .. looks like I've been busy again

After my last shameful expose on here, I did resolve to keep my studio tidy(er) .. but we all know what happens to these sort of resolves don't we? so - yes - I've messed it all up again! My mess seemed popular last time, so not wishing to deprive anyone here are some heartening images of post AGM studio ....

General 'stuff' - not toooooo bad
remember this bench? - not much changed here then

abused printers

getting bad now - wet area ... extended since last images of it .. mess extended too unfortunately


at least some washed up - but not dried and certainly not put away

disgusting treatment of Thelma

painting table - rather taken over by events I think

hey ho - I got myself this comforting sign - I'm hoping it is true

I must tidy it all up again .. but I had to make time this week to meet up with my friends and colleagues Edwina McKinnon and Catherine Nichols for dinner, plans and gossip and to go on a wonderful workshop with Catherine . I'll tell you all about it and post lots of images next time .. I don't think Catherine - who is an organised girl, should have to share page space with the above photos .. but here is just one of all the girls work. Catherine is the headless woman in black at the table head - will put her head back next time - she does normally wear it

I also promised more photos pf the AGM and I haven't forgotten - although I have still not found one camera .. I imagine it is under those piles somewhere. Here is just one image to go on with of some of the cloth made during my demo on Sunday (yes - the one with the hangover). I like the cloth though. Inevitably demo cloth is a bit scattered with unrelated imagery - but I do like the combination of clocks (rubbings from a template my friend Steph forced me to buy - she was right ... I did like it) and coffee words on here ... I think a coffee time quilt may well emerge form this. Will post lots more soon
Thanks for visiting - enjoy feeling superior won't you!! - Hilary x


  1. I really don't feel superior - though I did feel more and more reassured I wasn't totally abnormal the further along I got...

  2. Glad to hear it Sandra! I guess it is either comforting or horrifying depending on your own habits. My poor Stephen falls in the latter category - he stays out! Hilary x

  3. Atta girl! I bet you know where everything is too...except the camera! I feel great just knowing that the great can get into the same pickles as the me. How wonderful to have a wet area. Mine is the hose outside my shed. Sigh. I love your blogs...thank you for making my day!

  4. Great expression Bonnie - and yes, I can usually place my hand on most things but the camera is still proving elusive. I lost a pair of specs many months a go and was just baffled where they were. I recently found them 'filed' in my stranded cottons box ... ??? A wet are is a great treat althogh as you can see I abuse mine so badly I am still fiddling in a tiny space by the sink .. but at least I have that dedicated sink. I used to do this in the dining room and kitchen sink - but this was so traumatising for Stephen - he paid to convert the garage to stop me doing it!! BUt my favourite is still a hose and outdoors when our rotten weather allows it .. those are magic days - Hilary x

  5. Hi Hilary, this is so reassuring and I'm going to leave this post open conspicuously on my computer for the rest of my family to see. It isn't mess, it is creativity incarnate.

  6. Creativity incarnate ... what a splendid thought that is! I am pleased it may also help your family relaise that this is not abnormal! I simply cannot work tidily .. if I start tidying.,I lose the freedom and spontaneity ... not to mention my nerve - Hilary x
