
Friday 10 May 2013

screens, stencils and a self portait (all whilst dyeing hair)

Life seems to be very busy these days, so in the spirit of multi-tasking I am blogging at the same time as highlighting my hair. This seems a cunning idea to me, as there is a clock right in front of me on the computer screen – so what can go wrong? If I am next seen with white hair, we know that something did go wrong. But I am confident.. I am no fool (???) - I may just have to dash off suddenly.
So first of all – here are a few more of those screen prints I mentioned last time. These came about as I had several cut out backings from heat n bond after making applique shapes for a banner I made for Region 10. Some (OK – all) seemed too good to waste, and I decided I would try using them as stencils with my screen.


I can report back that they are not very durable – one session only as they collapse when you take them off the screen. But if you have them as a by-product of something else,  definitely worth doing - I love these cloths and am itching to get something made with them – so watch this space. I want to make some smaller pieces to take to Festival of Quilts with me, and these could be just the ticket.

I mentioned last time that I was trying to finish my piece in time to enter it into the new Art Quilt juried competition at FOQ. Well – I did it, with my usual under 2 hours to spare. I now have to wait and see if I get juried in. I shall keep the image a bit secret, at least until I hear.. but here are a couple of details


It is a self-portrait and is about anxiety, safety, pressure, stability even sanity and is a very different piece for me … but just right for this gallery I hope. It is the first in what I intend to be a long running series of personal works dealing with issues around living with chronic depression, which I think you all know I do. I don’t want these to be gloomy (although inevitable some will be challenging for me as well as the viewer)  as I don’t see the illness in that light. More as something that has profoundly changed how I see life and how I behave and live. I envisage both large and small pieces, sketches and notes. I am excited about doing this work, so fingers crossed for number 1!! (all fingers appreciated)
Whilst tidying (sort of) a drawer I came across several cans of spray paint, which I decided to try out. I hated most – they frankly stank and I found the finish very plasticky. But one brand I loved  – so here are a few images of them used with stencils and dye. I only had silver and gold – I shall definitely be ordering some more!


When I was sorting the images for posting I thought I would just try out altering one as a potential source for a thermofax screen … WOW – look at these ….


Oops – look at the time .. must go and rinse hair – back in 5 minutes ………

Job done – I knew it would be fine.  I will absolutely definitely be making screens from these and using them along with the stencils .. seriously can’t wait.
But first, and lastly for today, I have finally got to the point where I have some time to make some more work for the SiX & Friends exhibition when it moves to Minerva in the summer. I am making a series of 4, or possibly six pieces, entitled ‘Many Moons’.  I’ve run out of time now (need to dry hair before it dries itself in mad style)– but I will post on the SiX blog this weekend and tell you a bit more about them.
Thanks for reading – enjoy your weekend ... Hilary x


  1. Fingers crossed for you. Hope you hear soon as it's difficult typing and will be even harder sewing! I agree about the coggy image it'll make a great thermofax.

    1. Thanks Julie ..and I do like a girl that do things properly! I think we could let you uncross fro stitching - especially as I don't think I will hear until end of May - Hilary x

  2. Good luck with your entry, Hilary. It looks as if it ought to get in, but juried exhibitions aren't always predictable unfortunately...hopefully the waiting won't be too long

    And I agree with Julie about the cogs, but also like the trees...

    1. Thanks Sandra .. this is the first juried exhibition I have tried for, so I don't really know what to expect. I am trying to be philosophical about it, but it is hard when these are your creations, almost like babies you are putting up for consideration. We should hear by end of May, but I guess all of us will be hoping for an earlier decision!! I loved those tress too - Hilary x

    2. Love those cogs and trees Hils, what colour did the hair end up being? Sxxx

  3. Hair just as normal Stephers - bit disappointing really .. I quite enjoy a good accident. I don't know about you but I find myself putting anything and everything in to B+W now to see if there is a thermofax in it ... is this thermofax-itis I wonder?? x

  4. Lovely work. Those gears are going to make great thermofaxes.

    1. Thank you Patti ... I am so looking forward to making and printing those screens. It is very hard to stay disciplined to the work in hand sometimes! - Hilary x
