
Tuesday 30 April 2013

Fabulous show, Filming the Exhibition, AGM papers and some screen prints - not to mention fast approaching deadline

I think that title reflects that it is a while since I wrote here and there is a bit of a catch-up needed. I'll probably go in reverse order as I can remember the recent bits best.

I am a member of the group 'Stitch in the Middle' . It is a wonderful group with members ranging from quilters just starting to some real old hands and  very well known names. We make Contemporary Quilts and decided to base our first exhibition on midlands architecture, as that is where we all live. The exhibition is entitled 'Living in the Middle  and we had the opening  yesterday at Weavers Gallery In Ledbury. I put in Guardians of the City 1, which you have already seen , and also Guardians of the City 2 (I am very imaginative with names) - which was a follow on.  I loved the imagery from number one, but wanted a bigger cathedral. Here it is:

The central quilt is mounted on a board, which has been decorated too and some elements overlap. The size is about 31" x 36". Amanda and team have done a beautiful job hanging the work and it is well worth a visit (Ledbury is also gorgeous and Mrs Muffins - just opposite the gallery is another recommendation!). The artists exhibiting are: Pauline Barnes, Hilary Beattie, Janet Bevan, Lesley Brankin, Veronica Coad, Jill Exell, Linda Forey, Jill Gray, Judith Hill, Cheryl Kirby, Edwina Mackinnon, Debbie Orange, Jenny Rolfe, Kathy Unwin, Jan Webb and  Amanda Wright. I wish I could show you photos - but I forget to charge my camera before leaving home and ran out of power the day before! However ... we were visited on day one by Val Nesbitt from Justhands-on TV and she and her crew filmed with us all morning, covering all the quilts on display. I have to say it was an exciting new experience which I loved ( I would - she asked me to talk!!) and what was especially nice was that several of the artists were there to talk about their own work. Obviously there will be some serious editing  - but we are hoping for a maybe 15 minute clip and Val has promised to let us know when it goes out. I will pass that on - although the site is well worth a visit anyway.

The day before that, I visited the new British Quilt and Stitch Village (BQ&SV) at Uttoxeter, This show, which was successfully developed by Margaret McQuillen, was taken over this year by Traplet Publications, who publish British Patchwork and Quilting and Sewing World magazines among many other things. This was their first outing to a quilt show and I have to say they did a brilliant job in my view. Margaret was a hard act to follow - but they manged to keep all that was so good and unique about this show, whilst putting  their own print on it. I love this show, as it  is one of very few shows where you get to see quilts and embroidery exhibitions, and competitions in the same place. It's a great venue and the new owners have developed a 'village' feel by using several of the buildings on the site. I thought this worked very well - it is a layout often used on the continent and obviously gives more space for displays (and shopping!!) and a nice open feel. We were lucky with the weather too -so you could move around without getting wet  My camera died on me - but I did mange to get a picture of the Visitors Choice quilt by Judi Mendelssohn

I believe this is a New York Beauty block and Judi made it almost as therapy during  a difficult time in her life.  It is really stunning and I am always in awe of the skill and patience involved in a proceeding a beautiful piece like this. An heirloom of the future no doubt.

I had my own reason to celebrate as I was fortunate enough to win the large wall hanging category with my hanging 'My Home, My Heart,  My Country' for which I received a new silver plate for the mantel piece and a wonderful Janome Sewing Machine from Sew Creative -  Brilliant!  But it got better. The hanging was also chosen as overall Champion so I got another plate (bigger too!!) and another gorgeous sewing machine - this one a real beauty from Pfaff - I gather it had only just been launched before the show  How good is that??The presentations were made in the Winners Enclosure at the racecourse - an inspired choice - and I managed the long walk up and down without tripping (or cantering). I declined a lap of honour but did get my picture taken with my quilt

Thanks Jenny  - a very very proud girl and I am so pleased that it was this particular quilt it does mean a lot to me. 

I have now agreed with BQ&SV to show a solo gallery of work at next years show. This will be called 'Beauty Matters' No - I am not branching out into  cosmetics .. just saying that in this sometimes sad and ugly world of ours, noticing and sharing beauty does matter. I am very much looking forward to working towards this gallery and hope that lots of you will come and see it next Spring.

This is becoming a very long blog - but I do just want to share these images of some of the materials made from recycled papers at my demo at the AGM

Very yummy and are all pieces that could (and will!) be used for collage and applique  Very easy and simple to make too. We will be looking at these (and lots of other techniques  at my academy workshop at the Festival of Quilts  and using them to create designs and ideas for future work. I am also running a bi-monthly two day workshop at the Bramble Patch In Weedon in 2014, where we will be able to look at many surface design techniques in detail, working with them to make very personal design and work. All these course are fine for beginners and will be great fun ... and both are now online for booking ( and Details of sessions are also on my website - - I'll keep posting more images too.

I think I've run out of time and probably your endurance for today - so I'll save the screen prints for next time! I need to get my nose to the grindstone and get my piece for the new art quilt competition at FOQ finished ... got to be done by Friday  I'll tell you more about that next time too. I'll just post one image of the screen printing .. just to whet your appetites (hopefully)

As always - thanks for visiting and talk soon - Hilary x


  1. Lovely catch up and of course once again well done for your success. Denise

    1. Thanks Denise - can't believe it is nearly a month since the AGM now!hope Portsmouth is going well - Hilary x

  2. Well done Hils, about time that quilt won something, I'll say no more. Will you be starting a small factory with all those machines? Time to get out Big or Little Gracie, I can never remember the name, and I can pop by to have a go...Sxxx

    1. Thanks Steph ... I'm glad he now has a rosette too. I do seem to be accumulating sewing machines a bit ... they are all really nice though, so tough decisions will ahve to be made. Excellent plan to put one on Gracie ... she is called Little G, but as you know is actualy a very big girl. I think the guest bedroom mat need to change function ... you can then come over and play with her, then sleep under her too xx

  3. Beautiful work Hilary and well deserved awards and fabulous prizes! Love the recycled prints, good to see the results of your sessions at the AGM.

    1. Hi Julie - and thank you .. as youo said before - I am having a very good year! I love the recycled prints too .. ready built in layers and they make me feel less guilty when I misprint stuff x

  4. So glad your quilt won an award. It was such a treat recently to see your work at Exeter, thank you for that, hope to see more at the NEC in August.

    1. Thank you Sue - and you will be seeing more at the NEC as I have a stand there this year and hope to enter some pieces too. Do come by the stand and say hello .. I'm quite nervous as it's my first ever stand, so encouraging smiles will be very welcome! - Hilary x

  5. Hilary - I was there!! And I photographed both of your quilts too! I loved the show and I think it was because it included embroidery as well as the quilts - and do you know, much as I love quilting (and after all it was quilting that got me here in the first place) I think I am more of an embroiderer. So I think I will enter an embroidery piece next year.

    I also met Gilli T - and was chuffed when she said to me " Oh your Hilary Lurcher!" - that's all down to you!

    Hope you love your new Pfaff as much as I love mine!

    Hilary Lurcher!

    1. Having a nickname that involves a lurcher just has to be a good thing doesn't it! I love the fact that this show has embroidery as well as quilts. Having started with embroidery I do still love to see it and there is such a crossover too. Also great for embroiderers to have a competition - we quilters have lots, but very few for embroidery. I think your work would fit very nicely in there .. and is alwyas beautiful - so definitley get entered. It's so rewarding to see your very own pieces displayed - adds another whole dimension to the show xx

  6. Congrats, it's a beautiful quilt. Lovely papers & looking forward to more of those delicious screen prints

    1. Thanks Emma .. still glowing 10 days later! The screen prints are delicious - will get more posted in a day or two, I promise! I am actually itching to get making something with them, but as ever - another priority is looming - Hilary x
