
Wednesday 12 June 2013

Help!! where is June going??

June seems to be going at a million miles an hour right now. I am thoroughly enjoying it .. but I could do with time going on to double time for a while. Still - I bet we have all enjoyed some long awaited sunshine and I did manage to get a couple of days out in the garden, painting and dyeing materials for both the book and also to go to Festival of Quilts in August. Inspired by my recent seaside holiday, I indulged in some shells, crabs and ladders - all of which were both much in evidence and much photographed/collected at Whitby. Here are a few of the results:
Crabs ...
Shells ..

Ladders (I love this one especially)

adding some dye

I also dyed the drop cloth

line of crabs

selection of materials ... I really tried had to keep to soft colours - I wanted sort of ice-cream pastels for these cloths .. a bit of black crept in, but all in all, fairly proud of myself for resisting some BRIGHT infusions

As mentioned - drop cloth was just beautiful after printing, so I dyed it too .. I think this will be used as a whole cloth background - possibly for the next self portrait piece.

printing papers to match one another

and some poppy features to go with last times poppy backgrounds

All in all a very productive time. I now have a huge pile of stuff to sort through, but I don't mind and I'm so looking forward to making some pieces with some of these as well. I'll keep you in touch with how it goes.
It's great to create a whole pile of coordinating materials for a theme and that is the basis of my master-class at FOQ and also of the Make it Personal workshops at the Bramble Patch in 2014. I do hope I will see some of you on these - we will have a great time. I will also be demonstrating some of these techniques at FOQ, so I hope you will come by the stand to watch and say hello.
But for  now - back to book writing. Hope you enjoyed the sunshine too and thank you for visiting - Hilary x


  1. Gorgeous colours, they make your mouth water, nay, dribble.x

  2. Nothing wrong with a good dribble... indicates a healthy interest in life and that is good. They are rather yumbo(spello doesn't like that word - why not??) though aren't they? I may become converted to a quiet pastel palette .. or may not xx
