
Saturday 15 June 2013

I've been playing with Thelma again - she is such a brilliant girl!

I put THE BOOK (that is how it now feels) aside this week for a while, to do some more work on my four pieces for the scarily imminent SiX exhibition at Minerva gallery in Wales. If you would like to see the progress so far, then I have just posted about them on the SiX blog, so do scoot over and have a look. I'm not going to post them on here, in case you are going to the exhibition and prefer not know what they look like. BUT - I couldn't resist just seeing how they would look as thermofax screens (this is a hobby now - I have tried most of the book pages as thermofax too - a bit of light relief I call it). Well these came out really well I think, probably largely because of the high contrast in the pieces. They also seem to be to look even more oriental like this?

Something is definitely going to be done with these images - I simply cannot resist. Maybe not this week - but watch this space. Boy I love Thelma. Other than book, not much else going on, but here are a few pictures from the garden, caught in between showers ...
Harlow Carr hybrid primulas - have to love them with that name!

lovely alliums, geranium and potentilla

wonderful peachy oriental poppies

and a big fat peony - first one out here this year

Some/all of these are very likely to make there way into quilts too - how could I not?
Lastly - this poor pot lost it's rim this year as a result of the rubbish winter.  I lifted him up to clear the bulbs and his head came off. I thought I would throw it away, but looking at it today, I actually rather like him like that, so I may plant him up with something suitably creeping and sort of wild/rough. Hmmm - any ideas?
Hilary x


  1. Hello....
    Yes, those are definitely AWESOME! You've a gorgeous garden; the oriental poppy is my favorite flower! love your blog!


    1. Hi Dawn and thank you! .. I love Oriental poppies too and I think my next big flower quilt is going to feature them. Really happy you like the moons too ... Hilary x

  2. Oh..sorry, forgot to say that you might plant an herb garden in your broken pot. By the by, that pot has such!

    1. Now that is what I call a fabbo plan! I'm seeing some nice creeping thymes and maybe rosemary in there now. The pot does have masses of character doesn't it ... it's also got me thinking about the beauty of broken things .. even humans ... hmmmm ... thanks for lots of inspiration Dawn! - xx

  3. Glad you are working hard! Looking forward to meeting you soon at The Minerva, (I'm the QA education officer) - love the pot as it is BTW!

    1. Hi RoseCW (Are you actually called Rose??) - I am working like a little slave I assure you - should finish the Minerva pieces today and tomorrow - ready to deliver to Edwina on Wednesday. Really looking forward to visiting you all in Wales - think I shall count it is another holiday! - Hilary x
