
Sunday 18 August 2013

No apologies .. lots of pictures - lots, but they are glorious. Make it Personal Master class students at FOQ

It has taken me all afternoon to up/download these pictures and sort them for the blog. I have whittled them down a bit, but the work produced was really so amazing, I want to share as many as possible. This is what you can do with some simple tools and a bit of time ....
First a few classroom shots: Jane and Jenny with Karen, Bernice and Janet in the background
Sandra and Dee
Alison P, Alison D. Kaye and Margaret
Bernice and Janet 
Alison and Margaret
Ness and Gaye
Jenny (doing her scientist impression) and Karen
As you can see - they are all intent on their work and creating some lovely stuff. We made stamps and stencils and then used them, together with thermofax screens, dye and paint to colour cloth and paper ... here are pieces with paint but before dyeing
This is  Gilli's - unfortunately I missed her off a lot of shots as she was sadly suffering with a bad neck, so could only do a limited amount of time .. but these are some  glorious prints made using a vintage fabric as inspiration
Janes gorgeous leaves and flowers
Karen was printing over some commercial papers - with great results
Alison P's wonderful stamps and stencils based on flower images
Sandras materials based on sea and beach huts imagery (plus a brilliant seagull)
A lovely piece using architecture as inspiration
Rolling paint onto  a stamp
Some lovely printing from Alison P from flower inspiration 
And then we went in with the dyes!! Straight over the paint, giving stunning resists
Bernice was using coast as inspiration and here show glorious tropical colour choices (although she wanted duck egg blue!) 
Architecture based materials
Flower based materials
Seaside based materials
On day two. the girls used their prepared materials and started to work in to sketchbooks or straight to fabric, working on designs for future work:
Alison D
And finally - at the end of the day, we laid out all the work to look at .. it was truly glorious collection of colour, pattern and form.
Dee (left) Sandra (right)
Sandra (l) and Karen (r)
Sandra (l) and Karen (r)
Karen (l) and Gaye (r)
Gaye (l) and Alison P (r)
Gaye, Alison P and Alison D
Alison P
Alison D
Alison P
How could I leave out any of those? The group worked incredibly hard, staying until 6pm the first day and many back at 8.30 the following one. The work produced was outstanding - without exception and I really hope all of the girls will carry on with this, and move some of these unique designs in to finished pieces - and maybe enter them at FOQ next year! - Hilary x


  1. Fabulous work.. They must have had such fun.

    1. I hope they did Sheila .. and the work is amazing isn't it xx

  2. Well done for posting all of these amazing photos, it was a mammoth job. Your students have produced a fantastic variety of work thanks to your inspiration. Making me wish I'd been in the class :-)

    1. Hi Julie - it was a bit of a long job! .. I spent both days taking loads of photos as the work was just so beautiful. It's made me feel inspired just looking at them again. It was a lovely class - maybe next time?! - Hilary x

  3. Some wonderful work, they certainly were productive over the two days. I've had a play day with some friends using your book ( we all bought a copy), just stamping and stencilling onto papers. Look at the techniques and ideas in your book, I can't wait to have a go using fabric and dyes.

    1. They were real workers Diane - I hope it was because they were enjoying themselves. Delighted to hear about the play day - we should all have lots of those. Don't forget you can use the dyes as inks on your paper as well as on fabric .. they look wonderful. The joy it to do both and use the materials together .. it works so well - keep in touch, I would love to see any results - Hilary xx

  4. I want to do this class next year. It looks fantastic.and you must get a real satisfaction from seeing all that amazing work!

    1. HI Angela .. you are absolutely right .. I get immense satisfaction from seeing this work - I did on the day which is why so many photos. I love it when people start following through a process and realise that it works and that they can create very beautiful and individual work. Vey empowering I think I'm teaching an elongated version of this at the Bramble Patch in Weedon all next year - every other month .. which will be brilliant. I don't know about FOQ yet ... but I hope I will see you somewhere! .. Hilary x

  5. We had a fantastic workshop, the time went very quickly and we gained a great deal of knowledge. I shall finish off my pieces of work and put them into our exhibition next year in Shropshire. Thank you for the two brilliant workshop days.

    1. Hello Margaret - your pieces were beautiful and I am so pleased you are going to both finish and exhibit them. What are you going to do with those wonderful window prints? I would love to se them, so please do send images to me at my email address, or if you are coming to the NEC show in the Spring, or indeed FOQ next year - come by the stand and show me. I love to see what people have dome from workshop beginnings - Hilary x

  6. Wonderful photos...but even better than that I have two copies of your book in my little hot, jumping up and down with excitement, clapping hands...and one of them is signed by a famous person! Sorry...I've got to is a cold winter day just right for hunkering down with a new book...but not before I have stroked it and sniffed it! My friend is going to be delighted when I give her her copy.
    Thank you so much!!!!

    1. Oh brilliant Bonnie - isn't it amazing that they can literally cross the world like that!! It certainly is to geographically challenged me. I love that you want to stroke and sniff - my friend Steph sniffed it a lot and even tried to lick it ... I wanted it to be just that sort of book. Hope you are enjoying it - do let me know won't you ... enjoy the snuggle down xx

    2. I didn't lick it...but I kissed it! I have read it from cover to cover and looooove it. I can't wait to get stuck in now...I have the gear all ready to go so need to take a leap into the depths. Will let you know how it goes. I think the book is deliciously luscious!

    3. Well Dixter say he thinks licks are better - but I'm very happy with a kiss. I am SO SO pleased you like it .. and even more delighted that you are straight off to get creating. It is so good for you. Life is very nasty sometimes and creating a bit of beautifulness is the best antidote I have found. Do send me pictures of what you do won't you? - Hilary xx
