
Wednesday 14 August 2013

Don't quote me - but I think I have got the book into the web shop ..

Real quickie here - but I said I'd let you know. As far as I can see, I have managed to get the book into the web shop ( and you can buy through there using either paypal or credit card. I have put two separate entries for UK buyers and Europe/ROW .. because I couldn't work out how to do postage any other way. One day, I will master my technology .. but not today .. lots of tidying to do! xx


  1. I am amazed that there were any left. The words 'hot cakes' springs to mind.

  2. I did sell nearly half my stock at the NEC Hilary, which was fantastic and exceeded my expectations dramatically. But I ordered quite a few - so am ok for now!! xx

  3. Now there will be two less! I have just ordered one for myself and one for a friend. Are they here yet?

  4. Yes - got your order Bonnie! - looks like I did it correctly for once. Am going to pack and post them right now - hope you like it - do let me know xx

    1. Thank you Your Wonderful...sounds better than Highness doesn't it? I will be running to the letter box every day in high anticipation.
      Just reminded myself of something we used to say to our kids when they were wee and their trousers were at half mast. " I can see your letter box! "

    2. I'm happy to be a wonderful .. anything kind and positive really! I've sent it airmail Bonnie - so should be with you within 5 days - 4 now!! Let me know when it gets there safely xx

  5. Thanks for the fast service Hilary! Your ordering setup works beautifully; brilliant work-around. Really enjoy your blog!! Many thanks.

    1. I know!! - it really does work doesn't it!! I've sent them all airmail, as surface mail was going to be up to 56 days?! I'll have written the next one by then .. so should be with you within 5 days .. hope you like it x
