
Tuesday 13 August 2013

So much excitement and news

I am still not even vaguely unpacked after FOQ - not even my toothpaste .. but I had to have quick blog to say hello to all the simply lovely people I met last week at the NEC - it was a fabulous show and it was joy to see you all and throw paint at you. My new baby - the book, flew off the stand and I have had some lovely feedback from those who bought it - even orders for book 2 - so that cannot be bad.

I will absolutely definitely be getting it into the shop on my website this week and will post here to let you know as soon as that is done. I will also be getting my favourite products and some kits loaded up into the shop, as soon as I have had chance to do a bit of sorting and re-ordering. It was my very first show stand - and what a way to starta. I have lots of photos - but here are a quick couple including one of my lovely husband - dutifully wearing his Hilary B apron and suffering being called Hilarys husband for the fiftieth time!! .. us girls are so used to that .. but it was a bit of a revelation for him

In fact - I think the whole of FOQ was a total culture shock for him .. you just cannot describe to someone what it is like can you?
I also ran a two day Make it Personal master class before the show and I had some truly talented students who produced stunning work. I took over a hundred photos of their stuff, which I need to sort and post .. but here is just one shot of some of the glorious materials they made

You have to like these and there are lots more to come.
I must go and continue the TIDY UP (will post the before pics next time)  but I need first to share some incredibly exciting and good news. Whilst at Festival, I met with Upper Street Events about a new British Art Textiles group, which has been on my mind for a while. This is a group of ten top British based textile artists and I'm delighted to say that Upper Street have taken up the idea and granted us a regular, biennial gallery at FOQ. This gallery will showcase new and exciting British Art Textiles and also host guest artists every two years, After premiering at FOQ it will then tour to some of the K+S shows and independent galleries. A full colour catalogue will be produced each time, which we will sell, and  donate all profits to the Quilt Museum and Gallery in York, to try and help keep that venue open to show and share textiles past and future. I am so excited about all this I could be sick - but I'll refrain from that and instead give you a link to the new facebook page we have set up .. do please go and have look and 'like' us ... support is everything for a venture like this. There is also more info about the group and it's aims, and the names of the artists involved - a stellar line up + me really. We will be setting up a website very soon, for those that don't 'facebook', and I will let you know when that is up and running too. I just love it when you can do something you love and kill two birds with one stone - don't you?
So - back to cleaning - but I'll post again very soon with more news and images from the show and masterclass - Hilary x


  1. Many congratulations on the new venture Hilary, it sounds mega exciting! Your students produced some fabulous work.When I saw your husband on Saturday he had a smile on his face while he was serving me so he must have been enjoying himself, either that or hysteria had set in. lol

  2. The new venture is definitely very exciting Julie - I can't wait to see how it develops. My students produced quite stunning work - the room was just a mass of glorious colour when we had finished .. talented girls one and all. I think Stephen did enjoy it .. he is offering to come again, so he must have! xx

  3. What fantastic news Hilary, I look forward to seeing the non facebook website. The FOQ was good and it was fun to be involved in your first and very successful show stand. looking forward to the next one and book 2.
    To help the Quilt Museum in York is such a generous thing for you all to do and I am sure the Guild will appreciate it.
    Sandra x

    1. We will get it up and running asap Sandra - I know not everyone likes FBk. You and the others were stars on my stand - could not have survived without you. Exhausting yes, but it was fun too wasn't it! Keeping a venue to show quilts and textiles does matter - and we are pleased to be able to help - Hilary xx

  4. This is all very positive stuff Hilary. So good on you. Love the fact that your hubby wore one of your pinnies. My OH ( also a Stephen - which is fairly spooky I think) would love all the quilts I think. But all those women would scare him witless!

    1. Hilary's and Stephens - clearly a match made in heaven! I thought my S would be un-nerved by the sheer numbers of enthusiastic women - but not at all .. I think he enjoyed himself!! xx

  5. My ipad was twitching and fidgeting when I woke up this morning...and upon investigation it appears that your excited energy had pervaded our wee granny flat! What a wonderful week you have had...and even better to have shared it with Hilary's husband. I can't wait for your book to come available for purchase! I have also had an exciting week. I received my very first superannuation payment from the government...and here's me thinking it was only for old people...

    1. Congratulations Bonnie - getting anything from any government is definitely a red letter day!! They have obviously got your age wrong though!! Am very pleased to be affecting the broadband airways with my energy too! I'm putting the book on the website shop tomorrow - and I've found a way to get it outside Europe for £6.45, which is a bit better than we had hoped .. I do so hope you like it xx

  6. Your stand looked lovely Hilary and the news about the group is very exciting :D x

    1. Thanks Chloe .. it was so lovely to see you and that dreadful mum of yours too! xx

  7. Your stand was fabulous Hilary - I so enjoyed watching your demos on Thursday! Sadly I was too late to get in to your masterclass! I had a chat to Stephen when I bought a copy of your book - he was lovely if a little bemused at all the attention you were drawing!!
    I love your book and I'm already looking forward to the next one!

    1. Thank you Gill! what a shame about the master class _ I am teaching a more lengthy version of the same thing at the Bramble Patch in Weedon next year, if you are anywhere near? You can either sign up for a full course (maybe ask Ann if she might give a small discount if you do!)or you can also sign up for any of the sessions as a stand alone. Stephen coped very well with what was a very unusual environment for him in many ways! DELIGHTED about the book and will start the next asap xx

  8. It was great to see your fantastic work and stand at the FOQ. Your book is excellent, with a strong visual impact, and I can't wait to develop some of those techniques. Many thanks.

  9. Hi Annie - thank you so much .. I loved being at FOQ too - definitely on the calendar for next year. I am so pleased you like the new book ... the techniques are basically very simple, but with so many possibilities if you give yourself time to experiment. Do let me know how you get on - Hilary x
