
Sunday 15 September 2013

A quick shopping blog .. just to let those of you who have asked when the stencils would be back in stock .. well they are and in the online shop. I've got a few new ones as well which I'm looking forward to playing with and seeing what they do. I've also got some gorgeous new appliglue colours to try on quilt tops - I'll let you know about those too. If any of you have found that your link to the website has gone all peculiar .. well, it's not you .. the site provider had a bit of a dippy fit a couple of weeks ago. It's all sorted now and if you go the website ( and then re-save as a favourite .. the link will be fine. Very annoying but also rather re-assuring that even those who are supposed to know what they are doing make a mess of it sometimes!

At the weekend I gave a talk at Patchwork People in Milton Keynes. They are a lovely and large group of quilters .. who were very kind to me - giving me cake and not complaining when my talk inevitably strayed off plan! On the way down there, I met up with Steph Redfern to collect quilts from her and we took the chance to indulge in an afternoon enjoying the dahlias at Baddesley Clinton (and lovely food). Here are a few of the hundreds of images I took .. what a sight those dahlias are. I just need so many more hours in the day to do all the things I want to do ...



The border was swarming with butterflies and bees - such a happy sight
Steph and I were also talking about a new exhibition we are preparing for a joint gallery called 'Sanctuary' .. this will be in 2015 and we will tell you more about it as it gets nearer .. but I couldn't help but notice this little bovvy at the end of the border .. a sanctuary if ever I saw one

and the old sock herself .. pondering things

Talk again soon - Hilary x


  1. Looks like a great day out for you both.
    Love the dahlias.... one of my favourite flowers

    1. It was a lovely and very welcome day - neither of us are actually very good at taking time out .. so it is good for us both. Those dahlias were honestly stunning. I'll post some more images next time x

  2. The dahlias are fantastic. I would like some in my garden but find they attract earwigs which are second on my aversion list to slugs! Look forward to hearing more about the new exhibition.

    1. I'm sure I replied to this before .. and I haven't started on my birthday champagne yet!! Perhaps dahlias in someone else garden are the answer then Maggi - as they are earwig magnets. Do visit this garden if you have a chance - it is glorious. We'll let you know more about the exhibition as soon as we have plans firmed up x

  3. That little building looks as though it comes straight from The Hobbit! Have you hairy feet? Is that why your good friend is known as The Old Sock? Just wondering...

    1. No hairy feet Bonnie - well actually a somewhat hairy big toe, but we will keep that between ourselves. I do agree though that it could be a hobbit house .. and I can imagine Steph and I as a couple of hobbits too - although we are a bit too tall I fear. Old sock is just one of many affectionate names I have for Steph .. Old Bean, Old Frog, Old Snort and many many more. I am sure she likes them?! xx

  4. Love the pics Hils, the butterfly ones are especially gorge. Old Purple xxx

    1. Are you an old purple sock? .. or are we on butterflies here? xx

  5. Stunning photos Hilary and I know Baddesley Clinton House well, have a friend who is a room steward(and is a quilter). The cafe is really good too as you found out. Nice to see the garden without having to go down. Next time go round the house, it is a lovely moated house and you can almost imagine living there. Priests hole, murder and connections with the Gunpowder plot. Worth a visit. I am looking forward to the next batch of photos.
    Sandra xx

    1. Thanks Sandra .. not hard to take a good image with a border like that! Stephs harder , but I cam still catch her. WE did go round the house on an earlier visit and you are exactly right .. that is just what I felt .. I could be living here (oh I wish .. especially the moat bit). Lots of nooks for sewing in too - hopefully more photos tomorrow - Hilary xx
