
Friday 6 September 2013

open studios ... lots of fun had and work done!

Sorry to have taken nearly a week to get these images on here .. time seems to have become a very movable and unpredictable element around here. Anyway - still less than a week, so I think that is not too bad. Steph and I had a brilliant time at the Bramble Patch, running our Open Studio. Actually, 'running' sounds somewhat more organised than we really were .. we basically turned up with shed loads of stuff (and I do mean that - an awful lot) and did what we normally do, but in front of lots of keen and interested people, instead of as the two hermits we normally are. Here we are getting organised early am on day three I think. I'm guessing by the amount of mess. I am trying to get a bit of order in the chaos, before making more chaos ... 
Steph was busy making happy piles of thermofax screens on the floor. She did this each morning, with the hope of organising herself into working through the piles and seeing what was in them. This plan never lasted beyond the first half hour and the inevitable distraction of something interesting from the wrong pile getting involved. What I found very sweet was that this evidence did not put her off one scrap. Each morning .. more piles and the trusty hope that THIS would be the day. Got to like that kind of unsquashable optimism. I think here she is actually heading for the coffee and biscuits, with two eyeballs apparently watching behind ...
 and just in case any of you are wondering whether I was tidier at Annes' place than at home ...

NO - apparently not. Anne took this well within her stride .. didn't turn a hair
Now - what did we do. Well I was working with my bulrushes theme and made various materials for future designs and work over the three days. I made some rubbing plates, using card and appliglue, some stamps and some stencils (stencil cutter decided that this would be the day it didn't fancy working properly - but that is just so predictable, I took no notice. Here are some rubbings (Neocolour 1 crayons, washed over with procion dye), on paper and fabric

Some stencils (setacolour opaque fabric paint, washed over with procion dye) on fabric and paper


and some stamps (again, setacolour opaque paint and procion dyes)

Hopefully you can see how all these will work together
One nice thing about working alongside another artist, is the overflow of ideas. I noticed Steph layering gesso on to paper as a background and asked if I could snitch a bit to try in the background of some printing .. I love the result:
My love affair with thermofax continues and here are a variety of cloths made with a variety of screens. Some are from photos, some from drawings and handwritten journal entries and one is derived from a photo of the original bulrush quilt shown last time




This next is a real mishmash of techniques, done during a lively 'what does this do' question and answer session. Lots going on, but I can see many potentially usable highlights .. waiting for me to decide which to use

Steph had also bought some gorgeous watercolour paper .. which inspired a different, more contained style of printing for me. These pieces will be used as is I think with perhaps a little added collage and stitch. Here are a couple:
I also did some printing with a silk screen, using masking tape as a resist, aiming for sort of grassy watery rushy looking things. This one uses dyes though the screen first, then paints and finally dyes washed over. Typically I couldn't keep to watery colours and added red - but I love this piece anyway
Frequently when I am working, I feel the need to photograph my screens/stamps/stencils etc.  as they get covered in paint and look gorgeous. I know this seemed strange - but here are just a few of the ones I took during the open studio:

and thermofax screens

How gorgeous are those? Well worth a bit of paint on the  camera. I would then print these up on paper and /or fabric too, to add to my pile of materials for this theme. I love these last ones so much, that I think I might get Laura (Kemshall - Fingerprint) to print them up fro me on fabric, as large as we can get and use them as whole cloth backgrounds. This would be new for me and a treat. It is my birthday next week  and I have been thinking what I would like. These seem a good plan. I think they would be a really interesting addition to the exhibition that all these are destined for at the NEC next Spring.
Finally - (I know - a lot of photos again .. but I didn't want to miss something someone might have seen during the days and want to check progress on) - here are a couple of collages I made on the backgrounds I talked about last time. I have the third one to make and then  will get them stitched and finished. These are the left and the right piece .. middle to come

Thank you for visiting and getting to the bottom of the post!! and thank you too to all those who came along to the Bramble Patch - it was great to have it so busy - talk soon - Hilary x


  1. Some interesting images from the stamps and screens Hilary and I like the collages in the last photographs.

    1. They are aren't they Julie .. I'm intrigued to see what I can do with them x

  2. Well! I usually curse the rampant bulrushes in our pond, but you have made me see them in a different light - what fantastic variety you get, but all elegant and all very engaging!

    1. Isn't it funny how we see things around us differently? I am always excited when I see bulrushes as they seem unusual to me. And rampant or not - they really do have a beautiful shape and elegance .. so take photos before you cut them back Georgina!! x

  3. Those collages of the bulrushes are exquisite. What a clever clogs you are...

    1. Aren't I just!! - you know .. my father used to call me just that .. nice memory - thank you! xx

  4. Oh, I love your blog Hilary. Don't apologise for too many pictures - how can you have too many pictures? They are soo exciting. I love the thermofax series. I do hope you are going to show us what you do with them next?

    1. Oh thank you Hilary .. that is so encouraging (as Hilarys obviously should be to one anther). I must admit - I agree on the pictures bit .. we are visual people and they are simply the best way to describe what is exciting. I will most certainly show you where the thermofax series go .. probably in several directions I think .. but connected. I can't wait to get into them! - Hxx

  5. Gorgeous collection of work there Hils. A very fine and delicate print on the watercolour paper too. I'm still determined to get to the bottom of those thermofax piles.
    I got the fabric I printed and dyed at the Bramble Patch out yesterday and noticed that the Setacolour, as it cures, I imagine, looks absolutely amazing; it is beautifully crisp and the images are so well defined; better than when I wrapped it up to bring it home.
    Laura's digital printing service is a huge temptation, we have just received some samples from her and both Chloe and I want something printed now too. Just have to narrow down the image and choose the fabric, what a task. Your images with black in would look good...

    1. Delighted to hear that your enthusiasm and belief that you will get through your screens is undimmed old sock .. would hate to see you disillusioned .. would be like when P told us wombles weren't real .. some things should not be said or thought. The old setacolour is wonderful after a while .. where others go off and break down a smidge - it just seems to soak in and get clearer. It never lets one down .. and you cannot say that of so much in this life. Have emailed Laura with child like queries about how on earth we get from my picture to yumbo cloth... I imagine Amelie has mire idea than me. Am hoping she can shed a lot of light. You must try not to choose a too black image .. not good for you xx

  6. I love them all but the colours in the geese and bulrushes pieces are so yummy. Sandra

    1. They are a bit aren't they Sandra. I even think I may resit chopping those up too much and use some quite large pieces. The pinky orangey black, plus the teal blue ones are asking to be put together and basically just stitched I think - Hilary xx

  7. What a post. You certainly were productive. Love the watercolour paper prints and the bullrushes with the gees, particularly the first one. Very disappointed not to have been able to make it over there.

    1. You know me Maggi - never one to under produce .. should have been a factory. I love those watercolour paper prints .. I have to confess t having bought a bit of watercolour paper as a result last week - although I'm pretending it was just to return some to Steph. Sorry you couldn't come over - it was really fun few days .... Anne has asked us to do it again next year (amazing considering the mess we/I made) - so maybe then? - Hilary xx
