
Monday 31 March 2014

Gelli prints on canvas .. and using appliglue

Not bad, here I am again .. might be good to get a few blogs in before the next show happens .. which is the British Quilt and Stitch Village at Uttoxeter, where I have a gallery and am also teaching some rare 1 hour workshops. It is a lovely show, with both quilts and embroidery - so I hope lots of you will be able to visit. I'm busy making work for that at present - but before we get on to that, I promised I would go through finishing these gelli print pieces on canvas.
So here is where we had got to - prints all stuck to canvas with matt medium and sealed with the same. This is nice - but as a stitcher, I like extra detail and texture ...
So out come some supplies .. my neocolour 1 water resistant crayons, some coloured pencils - also water resistant and appliglue - which I love for making stitch like raised marks
 this area is not quite working for me .. it is too flat and a bit of maroon dye has done that naughty leaking thing again ..
neocolour 1 worked into the background
canvas right colour - bit of a splodge on leaves ..
more neocolour soon sorts that out and adds some depth

much nicer
I basically work over the whole piece like this with my crayons and occasionally pencils, adjusting colour, bringing out what I like and covering what I don't ...
then I turn to the appliglue
I use this for making rubbing plates, but have also discovered it is wonderful for adding raised lines and stitch like marks, either in places where I cant stitch (like into thick wood) or in addition to stitches for variety
you can leave it as is, or over paint, or colour with crayons ... here we have all the appliglue applied

and then I went back again with stitch. I use a fairly thick thread and a darning or chenille needle. Its not sit in front of the TV stitching .. but still pleasant and I love the extra dimension and interest it gives

you can see I have also added more neocolour 1 around the edges. Here are some details .. I'm doing these extra large, so I hope you can see how the appliglue and thread work so well together

 and the second piece
 We looked at using neocolour 1 on the bulrushes last time, but I did also add some appliglue lines on those too .. this is soft gold, which adds a lovely light shimmer 
and maybe you remember these passion flower leaves, which I just had to try on the gelli plate? Well, I kept the leaves and applied them to a prepared canvas with matt medium - which both seals and preserves them
adding in 'stems' and shoots with appliglue - this one is mink ..
ready for stitch now. And last update (for now) - a few post back I took you through mounting these prints and leaves on this canvas. I have now added stitch. crayon and appliglue to this .. and it is finished - ready for the show
 A lot of these will also be coming down to Art van Go with me, when I teach there next week. Kev and Viv have also asked Jenny Rolfe and I to show the Shape of Nature exhibition there, from 7 April (set up day) until 3 May. So I do hope lots of you will visit .. especially if you missed it at the NEC.

Long enough for today I think! - so here are just a few tasters of the work I am currently making to go in my gallery 'Beauty Matters' at Uttoxeter in April. I'll tell you lots more about that next time.  
Thank you for joining me - Hilary x


  1. Fab work as always. Where do you find the time?

  2. Replies
    1. thanks Annie .. and such a joy to do too ... win win !! xx

  3. you wrote :...So here is where we had got to - prints all stuck to canvas with matt medium and sealed with the same....

    i don't understand this, you put matt medium on the canvas, put your picture on it and then you go over your pictures with matt medium again ?

    1. I do Hilde .. I use matt medium as both a glue and then as a sealer - I like products like that .. multi purpose .. so do it just as you said

  4. can i also use a gesso primer instead ? you know now why I want you to come to Belgium lol ...:-)

    1. well - you can use gesso underneath the prints - but is not a good glue and would also cover the prints to some extent, as it usually contains colour. Matt medium is your best be - if you manage to get over for the summer school - I'll show you all of these! xx

  5. Gelli Printing is so interesting, I enjoy every bit of it. I love your post,it has so many new ideas which I can anytime. I want you to have a look at this amazing book by Altered Upcycling too!
