
Tuesday 1 April 2014

Summer School 2014

Crikey - I am getting organised ... well sort of anyway. Here are details of a 3 day summer school I am running at Redditch Needle Museum this August. It should be a wonderful few days - I have told Jo-Ann at the museum to book us sun, so we can sit in the beautiful gardens to work!! Booking details are at the end
From Gelli to Canvas

Make a stitched textured mixed media canvas using gelli monoprints

3 day workshop with Hilary Beattie

At Redditch Needle Museum: 21/22/23 August 2014

Cost: £150



Come and enjoy three days at beautiful Bordesley Abbey and Needle Museum experimenting with a variety papers and fabrics as backgrounds for monoprints using a gelli plate and then using these, together with a variety of other media to create a unique stitched canvas.

Day One

On day one we will prepare some textured papers to cover our canvas and then spend the day finding out just what that gelli plate can do. Using the abbey grounds and museum as inspiration, we will make and use stamps, stencils, masks and natures’ bounty to make a lovely pile of totally unique prints

Day Two

On day two we will look at options for design layouts and try out ideas and layouts in our sketchbooks. The emphasis here will be on keeping calm and enjoying the process … rather than aiming for a specific, pre-imagined idea! Guidance and prompts will be given so you will not have to dread the blank page moment – I promise. We will then use a selection of our materials from day one to make a mixed media collage on our prepared canvas.

Day Three

Day three will flow on from day two ... allowing a fair degree of freedom for students. We will also experiment with adding crayon, charcoal, pencil, appliglue and anything else you might fancy to our piece and then look at completing the work by adding elements of stitch. Once complete – we will seal the work with medium to enhance and preserve.

You will end the two days with a beautiful and unique mixed media collage on your canvas, plenty of further ideas in your sketchbook and a large stash of wonderfully personal materials to play with in the future


Warning: these three days are likely to be enormous fun and very addictive – you may well develop a lifelong addiction to this way of working!


Booking is with Hilary – please email to: and I will raise a PayPal invoice for you, or arrange for cheque payment if you prefer

Alternatively, you can book via Hilarys’ website shop  ... just add workshop to basket

Places are strictly limited to 12, so please book early to be sure of your spot
I've also discovered that for some reason the blog is not sending out emails to all those of you who have signed up for updates. So whilst I try and puzzle this one out, I have put a followers gadget on the page - if you click to follow, then you will get updates when I have blogged .. I hope!! I'll also post this on facebook, and hope I catch most of you. Talk again soon - Hilary x


  1. Replies
    1. me neither Sheila - must find where I put hotel details xx

  2. Fabulous canvas; your use of the Gelli plate intrigues me, even given that I don't work in fabric!

    1. gelli plate works brilliantly on both fabric and paper and I use the two materials interchangeably .. makes work so much more interesting find! x
