
Tuesday 26 January 2016

What a Wonderful Weekend we had - piccies of Stitch Retreat


This last weekend I was leading a Stitch Retreat for lovely Nichola Keeble ( at Wyboston Lakes in Bedfordshire (well - I think it is in Bedfordshire .. other possibilities are Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire). Whatever the county - it is a lovely spa hotel and we had a ball. Many of the group came on last years retreat (gelliping) and returned to work with the materials they had made. Then a few brave souls came in cold and hit the ground running - needless to say - they all did quite wonderful work. It was also a good social weekend - much chatting, laughing, late nights and bit of drinking ... so very perfect.
So lets get some images ..

Amazingly, all this lot went in the car ... no wonder it took a day to pack it

A few shots of the girls doing messy play an fabric, paper and in their sketchbooks

Judith caught online .. there again she was so prolific it is probably just as well

proper work now!



our lovely organiser, Nichola

and our Heather - who decorated her hoody as well as her sketchbook with a baby gelli plate

We came back for extra play each evening .. and on Saturday bought some wine with us ... I signed off teaching at 10pm and joined in the colouring .. which lasted until 2am when I really thought we should send our youngest member off to bed ... lovely evening though 

She was a little smidge head-achey, but right back to it Sunday am .. when we did REAL stitching .. a rarity on my workshops I think


Look at all those machines - I felt like a proper tutor

Everyone managed to get their collage down and held together with some good wonky stitching.Here they all are ... some stunning work ..
















So much talent. Most are now ready to take this home and work machine or hand embroidery, together with crayons and coloured pencils to finish them off. They have PROMISED to send me images when they are complete and I will share them here and on facebook.

I have opened a new facebook page just for worky stuff - like exhibitions, workshops, shop and work in progress. It's less manic than my usual page - so maybe those of you who don't really like FB might feel happier there? It is also where I will post news about the new studio I am converting at our new home in Newport, Gwent, and workshops running there. Here is a link:

I can't remember whether I have told you here about the new shop?? It is all up and running and a lot easier to use. Several new products too - so do go and have a look

I'll try and post again soon to tell you all about the new plans now we are moved
Thank you for joining me - Hilary x


  1. Was following all the shenanigans on FB ( that's why Judith was looking furtive with a tablet device!!!) such fun!!

    And I can tell you it was definitely not in Oxfordshire!

    Your new life in South Wales does sound exciting!

    Much love as always Hilary Lurcher

    1. Yes ... I not only remembered to take my iPad .. but also worked out to take a photo and get it straight too FB - I'm becoming quite the techie ..
      Wonderful and naughty weekend
      Are you sure about Oxfordshire? - only two possibilities then
      Life in Wales is good - will post more about it when tidied up from the workshop
      Lovely to hear from you - H xx

  2. That workshop looks like so much fun - great results too. I have just received my order from your 'new' shop, very promptly, and now all I need is to be left alone long enough to have a good play with it! Many thanks.
