
Monday 11 July 2016

Sit down - this is a shock I know .. but I have at last found a quicker way to share things with you

The problem for me with my blog is simply that it takes along time to do it .. and I increasingly struggle to find that time. But making a video to explain - and show - what I have been doing is much faster. think the technical term for what I am doing - well going to do, might be vlogging?  That is - a video blog. I have been making videos of work and techniques etc for nearly 6 months now - and sharing on my facebook pages. It is a really effective way of sharing information: fast for me, and hopefully clearer for you. So what used to take me half a day to photograph and write about on here, I can now do in a quick video. 

I did try t upload the videos from my files to here - but they were way too large. Until last week I worked out to put them on You Tube - which is easier to watch I think. The today I noticed a button on my youtube channel that says 'share on blogger' - so I hit it - and hey presto - the video appeared on here. So that opens up a whole new way for me to keep you up to date over here - even if you don't like Facebook or youtube. So - to test this out - I am uploading a series of videos that are about making these peiecs for 'Crossing Oceans' gallery in Russia in the Spring. It will take a few hours to get them all here - but then I would love some feedback as to how you find the process. I can also do direct videos on my webcam .. I will post one of those too so you can see what I mean. If this works - then you patient blog followers may at last get proper information. Heres hoping!!

They should come up labelled Ferns 1,2,3 etc

And these are the separate finished pieces - Hilary x



  1. ... except that I can't hear them on my laptop with the sound pumped all the way up. I know you're talking, but it's a whisper only.

    1. oh no!! - I will try and find out why Diane .. here is a link to youtube where they should work fine

  2. I certainly look forward to your videos!!! So great to see your process and tools. Thanks so much!!

  3. I certainly look forward to your videos!!! So great to see your process and tools. Thanks so much!!
